
Rapport Sur Le Budget 2022 De L’état Du Cameroun

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2022-11-22T11:18:28+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Categories: Economics Affairs, Reports|Tags: , , |

L'analyse de la viabilité de la dette publique effectuée révèle également que les ratios de solvabilité : dette extérieure/PIB et dette publique/PIB sont inférieurs à leurs seuils critiques respectifs calculés tandis que le ratio dette extérieure/exportations se situe au-dessus de son seuil calculé, ce qui indique que l’économie camerounaise est en situation de surendettement élevé bien que sa dette reste viable.

Understanding Obstacles to Trade and Estimating Informal Cross Border Trade Between Cameroon

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2022-07-06T13:37:00+00:00July 6th, 2022|Categories: NOTI-Report, Publications, Reports|Tags: , |

This report examines the implications for trade in the informal sector which employs over 80% of the workforce in both Cameroon and Nigeria. Economic development must account for the contribution of the informal sector even as Cameroon envisages a transition to greater formalization over time.

Assessing Cameroon -Nigeria Free Trade: Prospects for Economic Growth

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2022-07-06T11:50:46+00:00March 30th, 2022|Categories: NOTI- Policy Brief, Publications, Reports|Tags: |

Nigeria ranked first among the African countries that exported products to Cameroon during 2015-2017. The main products that Nigeria exported to Cameroon were Fuels; Raw materials; Consumer goods; Food Products; Intermediate

Report on the 2021 Budget of Cameroon: An Analysis of the Sustainability of the Public Debt

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2021-12-14T12:31:27+00:00November 22nd, 2021|Categories: Publications, Reports|Tags: , |

This report emphasizes the need to guarantee the competitiveness of national enterprises, which includes the promotion of national private investment and the choice of loans at preferential rates that require the repurchase and/or cancellation of certain components of the country’s public debt.

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