Saturday 20th March, 2020 at 3 PM
The Corona Virus pandemic has already led to more than 220,346 cases with at least 8,987 deaths worldwide. The first case in sub-Saharan Africa appeared just 20 days ago and has risen exponentially. Cameroon has more than 15 cases already and trends suggest that things may get even worse unless appropriate measures are taken to curb the spread. Discussing and implementing those measures, involving all stakeholders is therefore of prime importance.
The Cameroon health system, like most in Africa, is unable to cope with even the mildest disruptions. The country has less than 500 critical beds in total with limited human or fiscal capacity for expansion to deal with the 5% of COVID-19 with severe manifestations of the disease. It is why the only hope for the country is aggressive prevention and mitigation strategy.
The purpose of this webinar is to discuss the current impact of the COVID 19 in the world and Cameroon especially and the proposed strategies that can be implemented to help curb the virus from spreading. The discussion will focus on;
- Clarify situation on the ‘newness’ of coronavirus;
- Readiness and response to COVID-19 (what is being done?)
- How ready is Cameroon?
- What can be done to mitigate the spread of the virus in Cameroon?
Ronald M. Gobina, MD
Director – Corona Virus Taskforce Cameroon
Fellow in Health Policy, Nkafu Policy Institute
Odette Kibu, MSc, PhD(c)
Health Policy Analyst – Nkafu Policy Institute
Nsagha Dickson Shey, PhD
Associate Professor and Epidemiologist
Head, Department of Public Health and Hygiene
Vice-Dean in-Charge of Studies and Students’ Affairs
Faculty of Health Sciences – University of Buea
Balti Eric, MD, MSc, PhD, FRSPH(UK)
Researcher, Department of Internal Medicine,
UZ Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Fellow of Royal Society of Public Health
Elvis Temfack, MD, MSc, PhD.
Clinical research scientist in infectious disease control,
Member of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), Member and Ambassador of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology
Yauba Saidu MD, MSc vaccinology, PhD(c)
Deputy Country Director, Clinton Health Access Initiative Cameroon
Global health, institute of global health, Siena, Italy
Armand Nkwescheu, MD, MPH, PhD(c)
Epidemiologist & Public Health Consultant – World Health Organization – Cameroon
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