
Cameroon’s Informal Sector Put To The Test By Coronavirus (Covid-19)

By Ulrich KAMDEM|2021-01-22T16:07:10+00:00June 1st, 2020|Categories: Economics Affairs, Publications|Tags: , , , , |

The Coronavirus pandemic presents challenges and opportunities to Cameroon’s informal sector. The challenges faced by Cameroon’s informal sector as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic are numerous.

Le Secteur Informel Camerounais à l’épreuve du Coronavirus

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2021-02-26T12:14:04+00:00April 28th, 2020|Categories: covid19, Economics Affairs, Publications|Tags: , , , , |

Le ralentissement de l’activité économique (baisse des exportations et des importations) pourrait aussi conduire à des licenciements dans le secteur formel ou alors à la mise au chômage temporaire/partiel de certains staffs. Cette situation pourrait pousser les personnes concernées à migrer dans le secteur informel pour pallier au chômage et poursuivre des opportunités de revenus de subsistance.

Flattening the COVID-19 Curve in Cameroon

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2021-02-26T12:11:49+00:00April 16th, 2020|Categories: covid19, Education & Health Policy, Governance & Democracy Initiative, Publications|Tags: , , |

The soaring number of COVID-19 cases are rapidly approaching the 1000th mark and has spread to six of Cameroon’s ten regions. Hence, the need for urgent actions to eradicate the virus from the national territory is imminent. The government needs to take stringent measures to drastically curb the spread of the virus while containing the current cases.

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