businesses in Cameroon

Barriers to Formalization of Businesses In Cameroon: High Tax Rates

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2021-12-14T12:43:21+00:00April 28th, 2021|Categories: Lettre De Politique Fiscale, Monetary Policy Report, Publications|Tags: , |

FISCAL POLICY LETTER No3 - To reduce the tax burden on SMEs, which discourages formal private investment and consequently growth in Cameroon, we recommend that the authorities use non-tax revenue mechanisms to finance public goods and services.

Is The Regulation Framework a Barrier To The Success Of New Businesses In Cameroon?

By TALLA Belder Carynthon|2021-04-21T11:39:02+00:00April 5th, 2021|Tags: |

This debate will explore the necessity and role of regulatory norms on the success of new businesses in Cameroon. The main question to be answered is, “Should the government relax regulatory norms to facilitate the profitability and growth of new businesses in Cameroon?’’

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