Pierre-Claver KAMGAING

About Pierre-Claver KAMGAING

Doctoral student in international Co-supervision of thesis, Universities of Dschang and Côte d'Azur. Temporary lecturer at the University of Côte d'Azur

Without a Birth Certificate, We Do Not Exist! (Re)Thinking the Civil Status System in Cameroon

By Pierre-Claver KAMGAING|2021-12-14T12:41:10+00:00September 17th, 2021|Categories: Publications|Tags: , |

Once this maximum period has expired, births can still be registered by the civil registrar within six months of the birth, but on the prior request of the public prosecutor.

Is Cameroon a Police State? All About the Use of Administrative Custody

By Dr Steve TAMETONG and Pierre-Claver KAMGAING|2021-12-14T12:37:23+00:00July 26th, 2021|Categories: Governance & Democracy Initiative, Publications|Tags: , , |

At a time when most democratic systems are implementing a legal and institutional framework favorable to the rule of law and the development of fundamental rights and freedoms, it is not without interest to question the appropriateness of maintaining administrative custody in Cameroonian positive law, especially in normal times.

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