How Will The AfCFTA Impact Cameroon’s Agricultural Sector ?

By Henri KOUAM, Mr. Bin Joachem and Ayuk Ntui Mary-Sandra|2022-04-14T11:47:06+00:00April 14th, 2022|Categories: NOTI- Policy Brief, Publications|Tags: , , |

Within the framework of the  National Development Strategy (NDS30) that runs from 2020 to 2030, the government intends to boost agriculture by signing partnerships with the local and/or foreign private sector, train “national champions” who will produce, process, and market the agriculture sector to subregions especially.

AfCFTA is Essential to Boost Access to Credit – Experts say at 3rd NOTI

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2021-12-09T10:30:27+00:00December 9th, 2021|Categories: actions, Nkafu Open Trade Initiative|Tags: , , |

Experts have urged Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, SMEs to be formalized, having all legal, fiscal and labour formalities to build trust which will give them avenues to access finances for their businesses. These [...]

Can the AfCFTA Boost Access to Credit for SMEs

By TALLA Belder Carynthon|2022-02-28T10:44:57+00:00November 18th, 2021|Tags: , , |

The financing gap for businesses in Africa is well recognized. Small firms, especially, face challenges accessing finance (Hope, 2019). SMEs account for up to 90% of businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa and lack of access to finance has been shown to have a significant, negative effect on employment growth in African SMEs (Quartey, 2017)

The African Continental Free Trade Area: Benefits and Challenges. Nkafu Debates

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2021-07-02T12:19:24+00:00July 2nd, 2021|Categories: Nkafu Open Trade Initiative|Tags: , , , |

It says the AfCFTA  will liberalize and facilitate a single market for goods and services, including the free movement of people and capital. It would contribute to sustainable and inclusive socioeconomic development, gender equity and, more broadly, lead to increased competitiveness and industrial development.

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