The African Continental Free Trade Area

The African Continental Free Trade Area: Benefits and Challenges. Nkafu Debates

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2021-07-02T12:19:24+00:00July 2nd, 2021|Categories: Nkafu Open Trade Initiative|Tags: , , , |

It says the AfCFTA  will liberalize and facilitate a single market for goods and services, including the free movement of people and capital. It would contribute to sustainable and inclusive socioeconomic development, gender equity and, more broadly, lead to increased competitiveness and industrial development.

NOTI: Afcfta Is An Opportunity For African Countries To Integrate

By Nkafu Policy Institute|2021-07-02T09:26:49+00:00July 2nd, 2021|Categories: actions, Nkafu Open Trade Initiative|Tags: , |

The experts were speaking this June 24 at the Mansel Hotel in Yaounde under the Nkafu Policy Institute’s (a think-tank of the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation) first edition of the Open Trade Initiative.

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