Willingness to pay for health insurance subscription: An Analysis of the potential to increase subscription rates

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Willingness to pay for health insurance subscription: An Analysis of the potential to increase subscription rates

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May 17, 2023, 15:00 16:00 (GMT + 1)
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Health insurance is regarded as a means to allow financial risk protection and allow the middle
and low-income countries to have access to healthcare. However, these countries grossly
underutilize health insurance schemes for a variety of reasons including: reliability in the
scheme, inadequate knowledge of the importance of insurance schemes and level of education
significantly affected uptake of health insurance schemes. The consequence is unplanned outof-pocket payments (OPP) and use of general incomes as key sources of health care financing.
This contributes to deepen social inequalities, while exposing populations to poor quality health
care services and financial catastrophes related to the burden of health spending. The
willingness to pay for insurance subscription is an important indicator to assess in order to make
recommendations on the suitable health insurance schemes within the Cameroonian context.

General Objectives
– To assess the willingness to pay for health insurance among health care users

– Determine the factors that influence the willingness to pay for health insurance
– Propose the type health insurance schemes that might be suitable for implementation in

Targeted audience
This panel discussion will bring together representatives from the ministry of public health,
health economists, health care providers, health researchers, civil society organizations,
health equity advocates, policy makers as well as the general public.
Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation – Catalyzing Africa’s Economic Transformation
Opposite College Jesus Marie – Simbock, P.O.BOX 14315 Yaoundé, Cameroon
Tel: (+237) 22 31 15 84 / 654 86 72 54
[email protected] – www.foretiafoundation.org

Expected outcome
– The factors that determine the willingness to pay for health insurance will be identified
– Suitable health insurance schemes will be proposed for implementation in Cameroon

Dr Odette Kibu, Senior Health Policy Analyst | Nkafu Policy Institute

The event is finished.


May 17 2023


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Zoom Online
Nkafu Policy Institute


Nkafu Policy Institute
+237 654 86 72 54
[email protected]

Catalyzing Africa’s Economic Transformation



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