Major setbacks in attaining Universal Health Coverage in Cameroon

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Universal Health Coverage in Cameroon

Major setbacks in attaining Universal Health Coverage in Cameroon

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Date: Wednesday, 12 April 2023 at 09:30 AM
Onsite: Muna Foundation (Register here) – Online Zoom (Register Here)

  1. Background

The essence of health insurance is to protect one from financial havoc in the times of unexpected illness or life-threatening situations. Similarly, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) aims to ensure that all nationals obtain health services without excessive out-of-pocket payment. It is said that Over 55% of Cameroonians live below the poverty line, of which 37.7% are extremely impoverished. Cameroon is currently faced with major internal crises affecting various regions, forcing community members in some of these regions to flee and become internally displaced.  Since November 2021, Cameroon has been experiencing shortages and increase of prices of staple goods as a result of inflation, making it more challenging for some to access quality healthcare services. For the country like Cameroon to attain UHC, an adequate and qualified human resource is required to accommodate the growing population, surprisingly, sources state that a majority of the country’s doctors practice in the Centre region, Yaoundé, where only 18% of the population resides. As the country faces several challenges, attaining UHC by the year 2030 is still in progress, following the WHO agreement of all Member States. What measures are currently taken by the government to improve access to healthcare in the country? Does the country have adequate human resource to provide quality care for all nationals? These questions, are amongst a few the Health Policy and Research Division of the Nkafu Policy Institute seeks to answer in this event.

  1. Objectives

The overall objective is to identify the loopholes in the healthcare system preventing the attainment of Universal health coverage in Cameroon.


  • Access the feasibility of attaining Universal Health coverage by 2030.
  • To investigate the role and the contribution of the government in increasing access to healthcare in Cameroon.
  1. Target Audience

The target audience for this event includes, civil society organizations, policy makers, private health insurance companies, health economists, public health researchers and the general public.

  1. Expected Outcomes
  • Policy implementations that favour the easier uptake of insurance and reduce out of pocket expenditure for families.
  • Clearly outline the gaps in the healthcare system that halt the process of attaining UHC
  1. Proposed Panelists/Moderator


Proposed Panelists

Achangwa chiara

PhD Public Health Candidate at Konyang University


Public Health Physician MD, MPH

Ministry of Public Health Cameroon

The event is finished.


Apr 12 2023


9:30 AM - 1:00 PM


Muna Foundation
724-742 Rue De Narvik, Yaounde
Nkafu Policy Institute


Nkafu Policy Institute
+237 654 86 72 54
[email protected]

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