Covid-19 Pandemic – Then, Now And After

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Covid-19 Pandemic – Then, Now And After

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Covid-19 Pandemic – Then, Now And After


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a global threat and one of the most catastrophic the world has ever witnessed. Since its outbreak in Wuhan China in December 2019, the world has faced devastating consequences as this posed a threat on global health, economy and security. This outbreak has shown the continuous need for bold and concerted global effort in the fight against pandemics of this nature.

The first case of COVID-19 in Cameroon was reported early in March 2020 and the country responded in a number of ways; from partial lockdowns, wearing of masks, physical distancing to name a few. This outbreak has also shaped the activities of the Denis and Lenora Foundation. The Foundation has been actively involved in the fight against the corona virus in Cameroon. There has been health education campaigns at the level of the community, distribution of face masks and hand sanitizers, creation of a COVID-19 task force, daily COVID-19 updates on the Foundation websites, organization of virtual events on the response and impact of the virus, among others. As a continuation of the activities of the Foundation to fight against COVID-19, this webinar is therefore aimed at bringing together experts from the Foretia Foundation to discuss on the theme: COVID-19 pandemic – then, now and after.


The main objective is to revisit the main highlights of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Health, Economic, Political and Governance sectors and to draw lessons for the future.

Focus areas

  • COVID-19 pandemic as an evolving entity
  • Social, economic and ethical impact
  • Vaccinations and therapeutics
  • The way forward for Africa
  • Key areas for future policy and advocacy


Dr Ashangwa Constantine
Health Policy Fellow
Education and Health Policy Division

Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam
Senior Economic Policy Analyst
Director Fiscal and Monetary Policy Division

Mr. Francis Tazoacha
Peace and Democracy Fellow
Director of Peace and Security Division

Dr. Joel Moudio
Governance and Democracy Policy Analyst

Dr Vera Kum
Economic Research Fellow

Date/time: 22nd January 2021, 2:00pm / Venue: The event will be hosted online


The event will bring together all the members of the Foundation.

The event is finished.


Jan 22 2021


2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Zoom Online


taskforce coronavirus cameroon

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