Universal Access to Safe Blood for Patients in Cameroon
Universal Access to Safe Blood for Patients in Cameroon: Current Status, Challenges and Perspectives.
March 24, 2022, at 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Cameroon Time (Register Now)
1. Background
In Cameroon, like other African countries, blood transfusion services play a critical role in the health systems as they contribute in saving the lives of patients who have lost blood through surgery, haemorrhage, labour and injury or in situations where the body is unable to produce sufficient blood due to an illness. However, it is becoming very common to find patients who are in need of blood but cannot have access to safe and sufficient blood, administered in a timely manner. The consequences are often negative for various categories of patients: women encountering excessive bleeding, children with malaria related anaemia, and sickle cell and cancer patients. There are several factors hindering universal access to blood and products in Cameroon, with persistent blood shortages being one of the most critical. Despite the existence of various policies by government, this problem still persists.
2. Objectives
The main objective of this webinar is to understand why universal access to blood and blood products remains a challenge for the health system in Cameroon.
Specifically, this webinar seeks to:
- Discuss current policies and programs aimed enhancing universal access to blood in Cameroon
- Discuss the factors hindering universal access to safe blood for patients in need.
- Discuss how all the identified barriers can be overcome to ensure universal access to safe blood for patients in need in Cameroon.
3. Who should participate?
This event is open to Public Health experts, stakeholders and the general public both within and without Cameroon. It will also bring together individuals from the public and private sectors, academia, civil society organisations, and researchers
4. Proposed Panelists
- Iya Rebecca
Coordinator of Blood Bank – Buea Regional Hospital.
- Ako Atabon Fidelis
Mentor of Blood Bank – Bamenda Regional Hospital
- Dr. Constantine ASAHNGWA
Medical Anthropologist and Health Policy Research Fellow, Nkafu Policy Institute
5. Organizers
This event is organized by the Health Research and Policy Division of the Nkafu Policy Institute – a Think Tank at the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation.
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