Towards Lasting Peace in Africa : Exploring the New Agenda for Peace

Home Our Events Towards Lasting Peace in Africa : Exploring the New Agenda for Peace

Towards Lasting Peace in Africa : Exploring the New Agenda for Peace

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Date : 8th November, 2023
 Time : 3:00-4:30pm Cameroon Time (GMT +1)
Venue : Zoom Online (Register Now)

  1. Background

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, in his report “Our Common Global Agenda”, emphasized the need for a New Agenda for Peace to confront the multifaceted challenges the international community is facing. This New Agenda, which outlines the Secretary General’s vision to attain international peace, has twelve proposals for action embedded within five priority areas of focus including; Prevention at the global level: addressing strategic risks and geopolitical divisions; Preventing conflict and violence and sustaining peace; Strengthening peace operations and addressing peace enforcement; Novel approaches to peace and potential domains of conflict; and Strengthening international governance (UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs). Given the numerous multidimensional challenges Africa faces, the New Agenda for Peace seems to be a praiseworthy commitment that Africans can explore to build sustainable peace and stability.   It is on this note that the Peace and Security Division of the Nkafu Policy Institute is organising a webinar to have thought-provoking conversations and expert views on the potential prospects for peace and stabilization in Africa and the role of the New Agenda for Peace in accomplishing this goal.

  1. Objective of the webinar

The main objective of this webinar is to explore the opportunities for peace and stabilization in Africa, with a specific focus on the New Agenda for Peace.  That is, to provide a platform for sharing knowledge on the New Agenda for Peace and engage stakeholders to invest in it to foster peace and stability in Africa.

  1. Target Audience

The event targets experts, policymakers, and practitioners from the fields of peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and international development.

  1. Event Format

The event will take place online, via zoom with panel discussions by peace and security experts and will be streamed live on Foretia Foundation’s social media platforms.

  1. Expected output

By highlighting the potential of the New Agenda for Peace, it is expected that the webinar will act as an avenue that will contribute to the ongoing dialogue on addressing the multidimensional challenges faced by the continent and fostering sustainable peace.

  1. Expected Outcome


To propose meaningful recommendations that can lead to the development of policy frameworks at national and multilateral levels for investing in the focus areas of the New Agenda for Peace, in a bid to achieve sustainable peace and development in Africa.

  1. Event Date and Time


The event will take place on Wednesday 8th November, 2023 from 3:00-4:00pm Cameroon Time.

  1. Organisers

This event is organised by the Peace and Security Division of the Nkafu Policy Institute– a think tank at the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation.

  1. Contact details

Email: [email protected] / Tel: (+237) 22 31 15 84 / 654 86 72 54

The event is finished.


Nov 08 2023


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Zoom Online
Nkafu Policy Institute


Nkafu Policy Institute
+237 654 86 72 54
[email protected]

Catalyzing Africa’s Economic Transformation


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