Time for Foreign Intervention in Ending the Anglophone Conflict in Cameroon

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conversation with conversation with Prof Amr Khairy Abdalla

Time for Foreign Intervention in Ending the Anglophone Conflict in Cameroon

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November 11, 2021, at 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Cameroon Time

Venue: Zoom Platform (Register Here)


Generally, little understood by Francophones, the Anglophone problem dates back to the independence period. A poorly conducted re-unification, based on centralisation and assimilation, has led the Anglophone minority to feel politically and economically marginalised, ignoring their cultural difference.  The government has taken several measures since March – creating a National Commission for Bilingualism and Multiculturalism; creating new benches for Common Law at the Supreme Court and new departments at the National School of Administration and Magistracy; recruiting Anglophone magistrates and 1,000 bilingual teachers, and turning the internet back on after a 92-day cut. Different stakeholders, including the international community, have made several efforts to resolve the crisis, but the government has adopted a more state-centric approach in resolving the conflict that has proven abortive. The regime in Yaoundé seems more sensitive to international than to national pressure. Without firm, persistent and coordinated pressure from its international partners, it is unlikely that the government will seek lasting solutions.

Against this framework, the Peace and Security Division of the Nkafu Policy Institute has come up with this opportunity to encourage stakeholders of the conflict and the general public to participate and discuss whether it is time for the international community to intervene to end the deadly armed conflict.

Objectives of the Dialogue

The event’s objective is to engage schools of thought, stakeholders and the general public in debates and discussions on whether there is the need for foreign intervention to resolve the conflict in Anglophone Cameroon once and for all.

Who should participate?

This event will bring together international stakeholders, the public and private sectors, academia, civil society organizations, NGOs, youth leaders, journalists, researchers, traditional authorities, and human rights activists.

Expected output

To produce a comprehensive and incisive evidence-based policy recommendations that the Cameroon government and other stakeholders will take into consideration in addressing the anglophone conflict.


This event will be organized by the Nkafu Policy Institute – a Think Tank at the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation.

The event is finished.


Nov 11 2021


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Zoom Online
Nkafu Policy Institute


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