The role of Community Based Health Insurance in reducing out-of-pocket health expenditure
February 15, 2023, 3:00pm – 4:0opm
Online Zoom (Register Here)
1. Background
Access to healthcare is a basic necessity for the functioning and wellbeing of a nation, however, this need is limited in developing countries due pervasive corruption and poorly structured healthcare systems. One of the highest level of health expenditure occurs in the informal sector in Cameroon (up to 30%, mostly in primary health care) however, solely 36.1% have access to the health centre as persons living in rural areas still face challenges accessing health care services. There exists various forms of health insurance in Cameroon, however there is no official national insurance. Community based health insurance is a form of insurance that is characterized by community members pooling funds to balance the cost of healthcare. In 2019, out of pocket health expenditure was at 72.5% signifying poor healthcare financing and makes one question the role of insurance in the country. How many functional CBHI scheme are functional in the country, are there alternatives the health insurance that are more appealing to community members, what are the greatest challenges experienced by the government when it involves nationals subscribing to health insurance. These are some the Health Policy and Research Division of the Nkafu Policy Institute seeks to answer in this webinar.
2. Objectives
The overall objective is to highlight the role of community-based health insurance schemes in healthcare financing in Cameroon.
– To identify challenges surrounding the implementation and functioning of community-based insurance schemes;
– Investigate the feasibility of attaining Universal Health Coverage through the implementation of Community based Insurance schemes;
– Discussed the role and the contribution of the government in reducing out-of-pocket financing in Cameroon.
3. Target Audience
The target audience for this event includes, civil society organizations, policy makers, health economists, health insurance companies, public health researchers and the general public.
4. Expected Outcomes
– Policy implementations that favor the management of mental health challenges caused by poor healthcare financing
– Clearly outline the mental health challenges faced by nationals as a result of out-of-pocket financing
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