Roundtable with Women Entrepreneurs in Cameroon
Goal of Roundtable
The main goal of this workshop is to understand the most pressing problems faced by women small business owners and entrepreneurs in Cameroon. Understanding these challenges will allow SBEC to better craft home-grown solutions to assist women business owners stabilize and grow their businesses.
The workshop will allow us to understand the circumstances under which women business owners will be willing to become part of the SBEC Network and what the SBEC Network could provide that Common Initiative Groups do not currently provide. Therefore, the workshop will fully flesh out their expectations of SBEC.
We will specifically invite 30 women business owners and entrepreneurs for this 4-hours workshop session. These women business owners will represent the following sectors:
- Retail (Bayam Sellam, small shop owners)
- Beauty shops
- Farmers (agriculture)
- Owners of professional services such as lawyers, accountants, independent consultants etc
WORKSHOP FACILITATOR: Mme Kah Walla, CEO – Strategies
DATE: Friday 27 April 2018;
VENUE: Foretia Foundation Headquarter – Yaounde
PARTICIPATION FEE: Free to invited participants
- 100 percent completion of the Small Business Survey by workshop attendees
- Establish preliminary guidelines for membership into the SBEC Network and member benefits
- 90 percent of workshop participants to sign up and join the SBEC Network
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