Reforming Electoral Processes for Structural Transformations in Central Africa

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Reforming electoral processes for structural transformations in Central Africa

Reforming Electoral Processes for Structural Transformations in Central Africa

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Date: February 15, 2024
Time: 03pm-04:00pm
Venue: Zoom Online (Register now)



In democratic societies, elections and electoral institutions are vital to political stability and transitions. Put differently, electoral process and institutions carry with them aspects of legitimacy and consent. To improve on elections, electoral processes and institutions must be conceptualized as broader political processes, not just as events. Conducting elections regularly usually indicate a vibrant democracy. In some African countries, fair electoral processes “have facilitated the emergence of democratic government”, says International Peace Institute. People can judge a democracy by the electoral process and institutions of the country. A worrying trend in some African countries is the occurrence of pre- and post-elections disputes and claims that usually interrupt political transitions, sometimes leading to national disunity. Fueling these disputes are deep suspicions and mistrust of electoral processes and institutions, whose transparency are often questioned. In fact, transparent elections are vital to preventing conflict, argues Afrobarometer. This webinar delves into how reforming the electoral process and institutions can help improve democracy and foster good governance in Central Africa.

Main Objective of the webinar  

This webinar’s main objective is to talk about elections and electoral institutions as being vital to political stability and transition. More specifically, it will:

  • Explore various trends of elections in Central Africa;
  • Reiterate the importance of electoral institutions in political stability and change in Central Africa;
  • Discuss aspects of suspicion and mistrust of electoral systems in Central Africa;
  • Propose in-depth policy recommendations to stakeholders on how to improve on electoral institutions and processes in Central Africa.

Target Audience

Our target audience include think tanks, governments, diplomatic bodies, academia, researchers, international organizations, human rights organizations, and individuals interested in elections and electoral institutions in Central Africa.

Expected Outcome

Increased public awareness of the key role of elections and electoral institutions in Central Africa’s structural transformation in a rapidly changing world.

Contact details

Email: [email protected]  / Tel: (+237) 22 31 15 84 / 654 86 72 54

The event is finished.


Feb 15 2024


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Zoom Online
Nkafu Policy Institute


Nkafu Policy Institute
+237 654 86 72 54
[email protected]

Catalyzing Africa’s Economic Transformation


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