One Year Into The Covid-19 Pandemic: What Lessons Can Be Learned?

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One Year Into The Covid-19 Pandemic: What Lessons Can Be Learned?

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Time: 23rd April 2021 at 3 PM (Cameroon Time)
Venue: Event will be held on ZOOM and streamed live on Facebook (Register Here)

  1. Background

March 2021 marks 1 year since the 1st case of corona virus was reported in Cameroon. One year from recording the first case of the virus, the global economy is yet to recover from the shock of the global health crisis that has affected every sector. Unfortunately presently speaking, Cameroon and the rest of the world are still in the quest for a definite solution to the pandemic. It might be pessimistic to say COVID-19 has come to stay but until a definite solution is found, we are yet to be free from the Virus. The socio-economic impact of the pandemic on the global economy has been huge. However, the response strategy of some countries and how they have been limiting its spread is “a light at the end of the tunnel” for others.

  1. Objective of the event

This event has as objective to assess the Cameroonian anti-COVID-19 response one year into the pandemic and discuss on the way forward

  1. Main themes to be discussed
  • To evaluate the ramifications of the pandemic so far on the global economy with a specific focus on Africa and Cameroon over the past one year
  • Evaluate the impact on the health care sector
  • Evaluate the level of cooperation between states in finding a sustainable solution to the outbreak and spread of the pandemic
  • Identify the changes that have been made in Cameroon today as a result of the pandemic and how the world is adapting: what lessons can be learn?
  • Evaluate response strategies adopted by different States both in the private and public sector and propose modifications.
  • Discuss regional differences in response strategies, their outcomes and potential
  1. Expectations

At the end of this event, participants should understand the following:

  • The one year impact of the pandemic in Cameroon
  • Highlight response strategies with potential to significantly slow the pandemic
  • The Measures that have been taken so far in the past one year, how to reinforce them in order to successfully get out of the pandemic, what lessons can be learned.
  1. Participants
  • The event will gather different actors involved like researchers, experts on public policy and policy makers at the national, leaders of civil society organizations, economists, leaders of NGOs and International Organizations.
  1. Date and Venue

Time: 23rd April 2021 at 3 PM Cameroon Time

Venue: Event will be held on ZOOM and streamed live on Facebook (Register Here)

  1. Organizers

This event will be organized by the Nkafu Policy Institute – a Think Tank at the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation.

Prof Mbacham Wilfred

Professor of Public Health Biotechnology.
Fellow of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences

Dr.  Marie-Solange NDOM

Medical adviser, Laquintinie Douala,

Prof Tangwa Godfrey

Professor emeritus (Philosophy) of the University of Yaoundé 1

charlotte bongfen

Dr. Charlotte Bongfen (Moderator)

Health Policy Analyst
Nkafu Policy Institute

The event is finished.


Apr 23 2021


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Nkafu Policy Institute


Nkafu Policy Institute
+237 654 86 72 54
[email protected]

Catalyzing Africa’s Economic Transformation


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