Low Vaccination Coverage For Covid-19 In Cameroon
November 4, 2021 2PM to 3:00PM GMT +1 via zoom (Register Now)
Worldwide 224 countries and territories are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with, 235,908,859 confirmed cases, 4,818,982 deaths, 2% case fatality rate, 212,384,163 cured, and 6,315,603,664 doses of vaccines administered as at October 6, 2021. In Cameroon, as at October 6, 2021 there were 98,402 confirmed cases, 1,550 deaths, 91,336 people cured (92.8%), and 133,531 (1%) people fully vaccinated.
Vaccination is a preventive strategy that aims to save lives, reduce the severity of diseases and control their spread. Attaining herd immunity to COVID-19 in Africa has been very challenging. Several interventions have been put in place to effectively deploy COVID-19 vaccines in Cameroon. These include communication for behavior change, free vaccine distribution in all health regions. Despite all these actions, vaccination coverage has remained low. There is a general reluctance by the public on COVID-19 vaccination. Moreover, there exists a lot of conspiracy theories and myths about the vaccine.
The main objective of this webinar is to discuss possible reasons for the low COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Cameroon.
Specifically, we will;
- Assess the effectiveness and challenges encountered in the deployment of COVID-19 vaccines in Cameroon.
- Discus the conspiracy theories related to the COVID-19 vaccine and debunk the myths associated.
- Propose strategies necessary to deploy the vaccines in Cameroon
Who should participate?
This event is open to public health experts, stakeholders and to the general public. It will also bring together individuals from the public and private sectors, academia, civil society organizations, researchers, and human rights activists.
- Dr. Oben Pamela, EPI coordinator for Southwest, Cameroon
- Dr. Ndaleh Wozerou, Virologist, Dean in charge of Academic Affairs, Saint Monica University Higher Institute, Buea.
- Dr. Nkengafac N Fobellah, District Medical Officer Bangem, Cameroon
- Dr. Ronald Gobina, Director of the Health Policy and Research Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
This event is organized by the Health Policy and Research Division of the Nkafu Policy Institute – a Think Tank at the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation
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