Disseminating The Research Findings Of A Thematic Report On Dealing With Construction Permits In Cameroon

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Disseminating The Research Findings Of A Thematic Report On Dealing With Construction Permits In Cameroon

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Disseminating The Research Findings Of A Thematic Report On Dealing With Construction Permits In Cameroon
October 14, 2020 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm (Cameroon Time)


Construction permit is an important urban planning document provided by city councils of municipalities. This document is issued to authorize individuals and companies to carry out their construction projects within a specified location. In Cameroon, it is allotted to anyone craving to carry out a construction project, or who intend to change the location of an existing structure, amend its external appearance, and even to construct additional levels. For this document to be granted, the technical services have to confirm if there is compliance with the planned construction and the town planning regulations vis-à-vis the layout of the work, their nature, location, architecture, layout of their surroundings, and respect the general rules of construction in force. They also verify if the work plan has been crafted by an architect who is a registered member of the National Order of Architects of Cameroon. The World Bank Doing Business Index consider many important facets of the regulatory environment impacting local businesses. It uses quantitative indicators related to starting a business, obtaining construction permits, access to electricity, property registration system, access to credit and protection of minority investors, tax payments, cross-border trade, contract enforcement and, insolvency resolution. It also measures employment issues and contracts with the government. A critical look at the World Bank Doing Business Indicator of Dealing with Construction Permit in Cameroon from 2007 to 2020 show that the country has been at the bottom tier of the rankings. Based on the data presented within the set time frame, Cameroon has retrogressed by fifteen (15) places. That is, the country has retained almost the same position in the ranking since 2007, and has hardly ever moved up to 150th position in the overall ranking in this index. The big question which evoked concerns for this study is, why is Cameroon always at the bottom tier of the ranking?

Purpose of the event

The seminar is aimed at the following:

  • To disseminate the findings of a thematic report on dealing with construction permits in Cameroon;
  • Make an evaluation of the current state as regards obtaining construction permits in Cameroon;
  • Propose recommendations for policymakers that can help improve Cameroon’s position in the ranking.

The date, host, and method of the event

 The seminar is scheduled to take place online via Zoom on October 14, 2020 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm (Cameroon Time). It will be hosted by the Nkafu Policy Institute, a leading Cameroonian think tank lodged at the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation. The discussions will be registered and shared with registered participants.

Thematic concerns

 The discussion will be focused on four main issues that individuals and companies encounter in obtaining construction permits in Cameroon, and are formulated as follows:

  • Is the current state of Cameroon’s ranking in “dealing with the construction permit indicator,” encouraging?
  • Are the procedures to obtain construction permit in Cameroon be described as too complex? Is it a bitter pill for applicants to swallow?
  • Are the conditions for obtaining a construction permit in Cameroon favorable to foreign investors?
  • Are the conditions for obtaining a construction permit often difficult for women to meet? What are some of the recommendations that can be made to improve the situation of women in particular and the overall conditions in obtaining construction permits in Cameroon?


 The event envisages to pull participants from various sectors including but not limited to potential investors in the construction sector, individuals from the public and private sectors, the media, as well as construction economists and researchers. There is no participation fee, and the only requirement is to register for the event and have access to internet.


 At the end of the event, participants are expected to know:

  • Whether the current state of Cameroon’s ranking in “dealing with the construction permit indicator,” is encouraging or not.
  • If the procedures to obtain a construction permit in Cameroon is complex, and whether it is a bitter pill to swallow by applicants.
  • Whether the conditions for obtaining a construction permit in Cameroon are favorable to foreign investors or not.
  • If the conditions for obtaining a construction permit is often difficult for women to meet.


 The panel will be constituted of four speakers and a moderator. They include:

Dr. Louis-Marie KAKDEU
Director of Nkafu Fellows at the Nkafu Policy Institute and Team Lead of the Cameroon DBI Project.

Blaise Mempouo
Research Fellow / Project Manager within Buildings, Energy & Environment Research Group, Nottingham-United Kingdom.

Mme Joyce Ursula Pettang
Structural Engineer ; Department of Civil Engineering National Advanced School of Engineering – University of Yaoundé I.

Senior Rural Engineering Technician at Programme Agropoles Cameroun, Ministry of Economy Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT).


henri kouam

Mr. Henri Kouam

Economic Policy Analyst at the Nkafu Policy Institute; Yaoundé-Cameroon.


The event is finished.


Oct 14 2020


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Zoom Online
Nkafu Policy Institute


Nkafu Policy Institute
+237 654 86 72 54
[email protected]

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