Challenges of enrolling the informal sector in health insurance schemes
- Context
Informal sector is a large part of economy in Cameroon as in other developing countries, representing more than 50% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and about 90% of the working force. But in the progress towards universal health coverage, informal sector workers are mostly left behind, to such an extent that they are referred as “the missing middle”. Indeed, engaging informal sector is one of the most critical challenges of health coverage systems, because informal sector workers are less likely to enroll in private health insurance schemes as well as to be retained in government health insurance programs, as they are outside the formal tax system. On this webinar, the health research division of the Nkafu Policy Institute aims to tackle this problematic, by trying to find answers to the following question: “What are the challenges of enrolling the informal sector in health insurance schemes?”.
- Objectives
- General objective
The general objective of this event is to identify the challenges of engaging informal sectors workers in health insurance schemes.
- Specific objectives
- Present the situation of informal sector involvement in health insurance
- Identify the barriers to the enrollment of informal sector in health insurance schemes.
- Propose strategies to reduce barriers to the enrollment of informal sectors in health insurance schemes.
- Targeted audience
This event intends to gather, health economists, insurance specialists, health care providers, health researchers, civil society organizations, health equity advocates, as well as the general public.
- Expected results
- Challenges of enrolling informal sector in health insurance schemes will be identified
- Propositions and recommendations to reduce barriers to the enrollment of informal sector in health insurance schemes will be made.
- Panelists
Dr. Nguessie Christabelle
Public Health Physician & Health Economist
Dr Albert ZE
Health Economist, General manager at “Institut de Recherche pour la Santé et Développement (IRESADE) ”
PhD. Ghislaine Lienou Gayap
Executive consultant – Prudential Beneficial life Insurance
Dr. Fabien Sundjo
Policy Fellow – Economic Affairs
Dr Albert ZE
Dr Emilie Youda
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