Capacity Building Workshop for Researchers in the ECCAS region
Date: August 07, 2024
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Venue : Zoom Online (Register Now)
Topic: Public speaking and eloquence techniques: the essentials
Background and Context
Public speaking is a presentation that’s given live before an audience. The aim may be to educate, entertain or influence the audience. Visual aids, such as an electronic slide show, are often used to supplement the speech. This makes it more interesting for the audience. Contemporary Leaders records significant examples of public statements by opinion leaders and statesmen who have gone down in history as having achieved significant political change. Salient examples include “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King Jr, “Yes we can” by Barack Obama, “I am prepared to die” by Nelson Mandela, among others. As such, conducting good quality research is therefore not enough to influence policy or bring about change. How think tanks in Central Africa use the potential of public discourse to advocate, make their voices heard, shape policy and inform decision-making when disseminating research can make a big difference. The success or failure of these communication ventures depends largely on the ability of researchers to use public space to persuade target audiences to follow proposed policy recommendations or adopt particular social behaviors. With this in mind, the Nkafu Policy Institute is organizing a capacity building workshop to strengthen the public speaking skills of think tanks in Central Africa and improve their ability to communicate key messages in public spaces or during their media appearances, while effectively managing the dynamics of public speaking.
The overall objective of this capacity building workshop is to ensure that messages are delivered in the most relevant way that will generate engagement from diverse audiences and promote the achievement of expected outcomes. More specifically, this session will:
- Equip Central African think tank leaders and researchers with public speaking skills and techniques
- Help participants to identify, invest in and manage the challenges of public speaking spaces in order to make their voices increasingly heard.
Target audience
The target audience of this capacity building workshop include think tanks, researchers, opinion leaders, civil society organizations, grassroots populations, media organs, policy and decision-makers.
Expected outcomes
- Central Africa think tank leaders and researchers are equipped with skills and techniques of public speaking dynamics
- Participants are able to identify, invest and cope with challenges of public speaking spaces
Contact: [email protected] Tel.: (+237) 654 86 72 54.
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