Assessing the Role of Women in Leveraging Private Sector Engagement in Central Africa

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Assessing the Role of Women in Leveraging Private Sector Engagement in Central Africa

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Date : Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Time :
03:00 pm-04:00 pm
Venue : Zoom Online (Register now)

This webinar is organized thanks to the support of Open Society Foundations-Africa (OSF-Africa)


When countries invest in women economically, there are direct benefits to the society, visible in poverty reduction, economic growth, and women’s dignity. According to the UN Women, empowering women is a means of attaining gender equality, which in turn fosters economic and sustainable development. Women constitute a huge proportion of the low paid and unpaid economic activities such as care and household work, but there is as well revealing data about their entrepreneurial spirit. A recent study by the African Development Bank reveals that Africa has the highest percentage of women entrepreneurs in the world’. In fact, 25.9% of women are either starting or managing a business in sub-Saharan Africa. This evidence is compelling and supports the claim that empowering women economically can boost the private sector in Africa. With this in mind, the Nkafu Policy Institute is organizing a webinar on the theme “Assessing the Role of Women in Leveraging Private Sector Engagement in Central Africa”.

Main Objective of the webinar

This webinar’s primary objective is to highlight the role that women (can) play in stimulating private sector in the Central African region. More specifically, we will focus on:

  • The influence women exercise in the private sector of the economy;
  • The role of women in job creation and poverty alleviation;
  • The role of think tanks in promoting women’s participation in private sector development;
  • Proposing in-depth policy recommendations to stakeholders on the benefits that society accrues from women’s economic empowerment.

Target Audience

This event targets policymakers, think tanks, government agencies, diplomatic bodies, academics, researchers, international organizations, and individuals interested in regional blocs. The event will take place online via the Zoom platform. It will also be live streamed on the Foretia Foundation’s social media platforms.

Expected Outcome

Highlights of the influential role that women are playing in the private sector are shared for the benefit of policy makers and the public.

About Open Society Foundations-Africa

OSF-Africa’s vision is to build a globally respected, dynamic and integrated Africa characterized by democratic governance, sustainable development and economic systems that produce more just, inclusive and accountable outcomes with and for Africa’s people and environment. In pursuit of this vision, OSF-Africa’s mission is to advance gender justice and women’s rights, deepen democracy, accountable governance and inclusive development in Africa through participatory and strategic grant making and advocacy.

Contact details

Email: [email protected]  / Tel: (+237) 654 86 72 54

The event is finished.

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Nov 22 2023


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Zoom Online
Nkafu Policy Institute


Nkafu Policy Institute
+237 654 86 72 54
[email protected]

Catalyzing Africa’s Economic Transformation


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