Jengu Jengu Guy Beaudry
JENGU JENGU GUY BEAUDRY is Research Assistant at the Nkafu Policy Institute. He is a Phd student at the University of Yaoundé II-Soa. Guy is the author of a book, several articles and book contributions. He [...]
By TALLA Belder Carynthon|2024-07-17T16:48:45+00:00September 14th, 2023|
JENGU JENGU GUY BEAUDRY is Research Assistant at the Nkafu Policy Institute. He is a Phd student at the University of Yaoundé II-Soa. Guy is the author of a book, several articles and book contributions. He [...]
By TALLA Belder Carynthon|2024-11-15T11:24:34+00:00October 19th, 2022|
Muriel Kinkoh is Research Associate at the Peace and Security division of the Nkafu Policy Institute. Prior to joining the Foundation, she was administrative and coordination intern at ILIAN Consulting Company Limited; supporting advocacy, peacebuilding [...]
By |2024-08-25T13:04:16+00:00September 12th, 2022|
Ntoubia Ngapmen Larissa, holds a Bachelor's degree in Banking and Finance and a Master's degree in Economics and Financial Engineering from the University of Yaoundé II Soa. She is currently a research associate at the [...]
By TALLA Belder Carynthon|2025-02-04T08:02:27+00:00June 17th, 2022|
Regina Sinsai holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from the United States International University - Africa, in Nairobi and an HND in General Nursing from the Humanity Health Professional Training Center (HHPTC) in [...]
By TALLA Belder Carynthon|2023-11-10T09:33:46+00:00August 25th, 2019|
ABOUDI Vanessa est Doctorante en Science Politique à l’Université de Yaoundé II, où elle a respectivement obtenu une Licence en Socio-anthropologie et Communication Politique et un Master en Science Politique. Particulièrement intéressée par les Etudes [...]
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