Project Title: Reducing Barriers to Private Health Insurance Coverage In Cameroon

In Cameroon, unequal access to quality health care services at an affordable cost to all strata of society remains a major challenge to government. The high poverty rates in Cameroon, with over 35% of the Cameroonian population below the poverty line, significantly hinder the capacity of a vast portion of Cameroonians to ensure access to healthcare services using out-of-pocket payments.  In spite of this less than 2% of the Cameroonian population benefit from any health insurance coverage which exposes many people especially the poor to the risk of catastrophic health spending in times of sickness. In addition to these, private insurance schemes are operational, mostly in the major cities of Cameroon. Uptake of these schemes in Cameroon, in general however, is considerably low with the consequent high out-of-pocket payment for healthcare services over 70%. Currently, among the more than 150 community-based health insurance organizations that were created, not up to two are effectively functional in Cameroon  
Health financing is central to the functioning of health systems and the attainment of health-related sustainable development goals, including universal health coverage (UHC). The health financing arrangements of a country determine who gets access to what health services and the level of financial protection offered to the population .Often the financing arrangements are influenced by the historical, social, political and economic development of the country.

The objective of this project is :

To investigate the contribution of private health insurance in enhancing access to quality health care services and UHC in Cameroon. More specifically;

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Project Sponsor

One (01) year project

Policy Brief

Videos - Documetaries

The Contribution of Private Health Insurance to Improve Access to Healthcare in Cameroon

Video - Documentary 2

The Contribution of Private Health Insurance to Improve Access to Healthcare in Cameroon

The Burden of out of pocket expenditure among health care users in Cameroon

Video - Documentary 1

The Burden of out of pocket expenditure among health care users in Cameroon

Assurance Santé au Cameroun: Les défis auxquels font face les assurés

Video - Reportage CRTV

Assurance Santé au Cameroun: Les défis auxquels font face les assurés