21 & 22 March, 2024 - United Hotel, Mbankomo
- 21 & 22 March, 2024
- United Hotel, Mbankomo
- Concept note

Following an earlier successful 1st phase of the 2 day in person leadership and advocacy immersion program which took place in Yaounde in July 2023, think tank leaders from the Central African Region will again convey in Yaounde, Cameroon in March 21 and 22, 2024 to strengthen the managerial capacities of think tanks by enhancing their leaders’ leadership skills and consequently enabling positive governance in their respective institutions.
- Objective 1 : Strengthen the managerial capacity of think tanks in Central Africa to produce relevant, high-quality research and influence policy,
- Objective 2 : Enhance the leadership and research capacity of think tank researchers, particularly women researchers to conduct research and policy advocacy.
- Objective 3 : Expand the visibility and reach of think tanks in Central Africa on the continent and worldwide.
  Participation fee & Payment
Standard participation fee for think tank leaders |
Special participation fee researchers |
Special participation fee for participants in last year’s workshop |
Fee for all participants who have missed the payment deadline |
  Our Guests

Executive Director,
Programme d’Aide pour le Développement Economique et Social (PADES),

Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche sur les Analyses et Politiques s Economiques ( CERAPE),

Chief Executive Officer,
Centre For Development and Enterprises Great Lakes,
  The Agenda
Wednesday, 20th March 2024
19:00 - 20:30
Welcome Reception. Open Discussions: Building an Environment of Openness and Trust
Session Coordinator: Mr Bertrand Omam
Rapporteur: Evrard Kepgang
Speaker: Prof. Emmanuel KAMDEM
Thursday, 21st March 2024
08:00-08:40 - Registration & Networking. - Foretia Foundation
Grab your welcome pack and a cup of coffee and meet fellow conference-goers.
08:40-09:00 – Welcome remarks – Mr Jean Blaise Nkonga
09:00-10:30 - Group photo & Interviews & Networking break - Communication Department
10:30-11:00 - Opening Keynote : Moving from Good to Great - Dr Merlin Mfondo
11:00 - 12:00 – Panel Session
Topic: Engaging with Stakeholders.
- Aimable Manirakiza - Chief Executive Officer Center for Development and Enterprises Great Lakes, Burundi
- Mr. Alain Douathe Koyangozo, National Coordinator, CERAPE, Bangui
- Dr. Nguejo Thayoh Adélaïde, Think do Tank The Okwelians, CMR
- Mrs. Aude Cuzon, GIZ Cameroon
Moderator: - Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, Director of Economic Affairs, Nkafu Policy Institute, Cameroon
Rapporteurs: Dr Nembot Adeline, Policy Analyst, Economic Affairs Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
Session Coordinator: Mr Isidore Asongalem, SBEC Manager
12:00-13:30 - Keynote + Working Group
Topic: Leveraging on Emerging Technologies
Speaker : Mr Bruno Ittia , Deputy Director of Communications, DLFF
Session Coordinator: Dr. Valery Ngo’o, Senior Health Researcher, Health Policy and Research Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
Rapporteurs: Larissa Ntoubia, Research, Economic Affairs Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
13:30-14:30 - Lunch and Networking - Protocol/Foretia Foundation
14:30-15:30 - Panel Discussion
Topic: Organizational Decision and its Communication
Panelists :
- Mr. Leopold Dassi, Senior Reporter - Le Messager – Cameroon, Cameroon
- Mr. Henri Mokambi : Head of Communication, Institut Concorde, Gabon
- Ms. Monia Wakana, Communication and Marketing Director, Centre for Development and Enterprises, Great Lakes
- Moderator : Mr. Jean Blaise Nkonga, ICOO Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation
Session Coordinator: Dr Pippie Hugues, Policy Analyst, Governance and Democracy Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
Rapporteurs : Ms. Solange Dabou, Research Associate, Health Division and Research, Nkafu Policy Institute
15:30-16:30 - Keynote + Working Group
Think Tank Cooperation: Growing Effective Managers
Speaker : Mr. Victor Idumba, Executive Director, PADES, DRC
Session Coordinator : Ms. Vanessa Aboudi, Policy Analyst, Governance and Democracy Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
Rapporteur: Mr Jengu Jengu Guy, Research Assistant; Governance and Democracy Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
16:30- 16:45 - Wrap-Up - Mr. Ayukmba Nkonghonyor - Senior Communication manager, DLFF
17:30 – DINNER - Protocol/Foretia Foundation
Friday 21st March 2024
07:00-09:00 - Coffee and pre-conference catchups - Foretia Foundation
09:00-10:30 - Keynote + Working Group
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Speaker: Mrs. Yaa Gladys Shang Viban, Gender and Development Consultant
Session Coordinator: Dr Fabrice Dzepang, Policy Analyst, Economic Affairs Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
Rapporteur: Ms Muriel Kinkoh, Research Assistant, Peace and Security Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
10:30-12:00 - Panel Discussion
Topic: Leading Advocacy for greater Impact.
Mr. Wolf Ulrich Mfere Akana, National Coordinator, CERAPE Congo Brazzaville
Mr. Adrien Sibomana,Legal representative, IDEC, Burundi
Mr. Boniface Nzonikoua, Coordinator, CRAD, CAR
Moderator: Ms. Solange Dabou, Research Associate, Nkafu Policy Institute
Session Coordinator : Larissa Ntoubia, Research Assistant, Governance and Democracy Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
Rapporteur : Angela Nguema, Research Intern, Peace and Security Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
12:00-13:00 - Lunch and Networking
13:10-14:30 - Keynote + Workshop
Motivating staff for higher productivity
Speakers: Ms. Olivia Mukam, CEO, Solutionneurs
Session Coordinator:Ms Dabou Solange, Research Associate, Health Policy and Research Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
Rapporteur: Ms. Regina Sinsai, Research Assistant, Health Policy and Research Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
14:30-15-00 - Break & Networking - Foretia Foundation
15:00-16:00 - Public Debate
Topic: Strong leaders are needed for peace and security in Central Africa.
Mr. Chanceyambaye Ngarnougber, Researcher, Centre d’Études et de Recherche pour la Dynamique des Organisations (CERDO), Chad
Mr. Damien Mouzoum, Founder and Chief Meaning Officer, Ayina Think Tank, Rwanda
Moderator : Mr. Anthony Antem, Head of Conflict Prevention and Analysis Unit, Nkafu Policy Institute
Session Coordinator: Dr Valery Ngo’o, Senior Health Researcher
Rapporteur: Dr Nembot Adeline, Policy Analyst,Economic Affairs Division, Nkafu Policy Institute
16:00-16:15 - Wrap up - Mr. Bruno Ittia Achuo, Deputy Director of Communication, DLFF
16:15-16:30 - Recap of the Event - Dr. Yollande Meli Tankeu, Economic Policy Analyst, Nkafu Policy Institute
16:30-16:35 - Closing remarks -Dr. Merlin Mfondo, Executive Director, Nkafu Policy Institute
18 :00 - Closing Dinner & End of the Workshop - Foretia Foundation