Strengthening Peace and Security in West Africa: A Conversation with Anthony Antem
Strengthening Peace and Security in West Africa: A Conversation with Anthony AntemFebruary 10, 2025Dr. Denis Foretia, , interview peace-security publications
Keynote Speech on India-Africa Relations: Strengthening Strategic Cooperation
Keynote Speech on India-Africa Relations: Strengthening Strategic CooperationFebruary 6, 2025Dr. Denis Foretia, keynote-address publications
Genre et Résilience dans la  Bande Sahélienne du Tchad :  Cas de la Province du  Chari Baguirmi
Genre et Résilience dans la Bande Sahélienne du Tchad : Cas de la Province du Chari BaguirmiJanuary 30, 2025CERDO and Nkafu Policy Institute, publications reports
Gouvernance intégrée pour la  promotion et la sécurité des  droits des femmes évoluant  dans le secteur informel
Gouvernance intégrée pour la promotion et la sécurité des droits des femmes évoluant dans le secteur informelJanuary 30, 2025the OKWELIANS and Nkafu Policy Institute, publications reports
Les Contraintes d’Accès au  Financement Bancaire et aux Tic :  Une Analyse de l’Entrepreneuriat  Feminin au Congo
Les Contraintes d’Accès au Financement Bancaire et aux Tic : Une Analyse de l’Entrepreneuriat Feminin au CongoJanuary 30, 2025CERAPE and Nkafu Policy Institute, publications reports
Recherche thématique : Intégration Commerciale du  Burundi dans la Communauté Economique des États de  l’Afrique Centrale
Recherche thématique : Intégration Commerciale du Burundi dans la Communauté Economique des États de l’Afrique CentraleJanuary 17, 2025IDEC and Nkafu Policy Institute, publications reports
Recherche thématique RASIG : Intégration Commerciale du  Burundi dans la Communauté Economique des États de  l’Afrique Centrale
Recherche thématique RASIG : Intégration Commerciale du Burundi dans la Communauté Economique des États de l’Afrique CentraleJanuary 17, 2025Nkafu Policy Instituteforum
Rapport de Participation : La Gouvernance Intégrée et la Responsabilité Publique au Gabon
Rapport de Participation : La Gouvernance Intégrée et la Responsabilité Publique au GabonJanuary 9, 2025Institut Concorde and Nkafu Policy Institute, publications reports
Promoting the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in Cameroon
Promoting the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in CameroonDecember 20, 2024Nkafu Policy Institute, , afcfta-policy-brief publications reports
Why do CEMAC countries struggle to overcome the economic deadlock despite IMF interventions?
Why do CEMAC countries struggle to overcome the economic deadlock despite IMF interventions?December 18, 2024Dr. Stephane Atangana and Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationscemac-countries imf
Liquidity Re-injection in the CEMAC Region: Balancing Effectiveness, Inflationary Pressures, and Economic Stability Prospects
Liquidity Re-injection in the CEMAC Region: Balancing Effectiveness, Inflationary Pressures, and Economic Stability ProspectsDecember 18, 2024Dr. Stephane Atangana, economics-affairs publicationscemac
Mjadala Afrika:  The AU Chairperson Elections & 2024 Candidate Debate
Mjadala Afrika: The AU Chairperson Elections & 2024 Candidate DebateDecember 16, 2024Chris Begealawuh, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsau-elections mjadala-afrika
Participation de la Femme Centrafricaine dans les Processus du Developpement Economique, de la Consolidation de la Paix et de la Sécurite
Participation de la Femme Centrafricaine dans les Processus du Developpement Economique, de la Consolidation de la Paix et de la SécuriteDecember 12, 2024Nkafu Policy Institute, , economics-affairs publications reports
CALL FOR APPLICATION : 2025 Scientific and Manuscripts Writing Course
CALL FOR APPLICATION : 2025 Scientific and Manuscripts Writing CourseNovember 29, 2024Davila Djomou, , actions appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
CALL FOR APPLICATION for Scholarship : 2025 Scientific and Manuscripts Writing Course
CALL FOR APPLICATION for Scholarship : 2025 Scientific and Manuscripts Writing CourseNovember 29, 2024Davila Djomou, , , actions appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom forum
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS : 2025 PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS COURSENovember 26, 2024Davila Djomou, , actions announcement appel-a-candidature
The Partograph: A Tool to Reduce Mother-Child Mortality Rate During Labour
The Partograph: A Tool to Reduce Mother-Child Mortality Rate During LabourNovember 26, 2024Fobella Nkengafac, Regina Sinsai, Ghyslaine Bruna Djeunang Dongho, Solange Dabou, Evrard Kepgang and Ronald M. Gobina, , public-health-topics publicationsmother-child-mortality-rate partograph
Training-Employment Mismatch in Cameroon: The Role of Emerging Web Professions
Training-Employment Mismatch in Cameroon: The Role of Emerging Web ProfessionsNovember 26, 2024Dr. Adeline Nembot and Dr. Hervé Ondoua, , economics-affairs publicationsemerging-web-professions training-employment
Training-Employment Transition and New Digital Professions: A Solution to Women’s Employability in Cameroon
Training-Employment Transition and New Digital Professions: A Solution to Women’s Employability in CameroonNovember 26, 2024Dr. Yollande Meli Tankeu, Emilie Bitongo and Dr. Adeline Nembot, , economics-affairs publicationsdigital-professions womens-employability-in-cameroon
The Exit of European Banks from Africa: Future Implications for the African Continental Free Trade Agreement
The Exit of European Banks from Africa: Future Implications for the African Continental Free Trade AgreementNovember 26, 2024Dr. Adeline Nembot and Larissa Ntoubia, , , economics-affairs publicationsafrica african-continental-free-trade exit-of-european-banks
Illicit Financial Flows in the age of Digitalisation in Africa : Opportunities and Challenges
Illicit Financial Flows in the age of Digitalisation in Africa : Opportunities and ChallengesNovember 26, 2024Dr. Adeline Nembot and Chefor Ngwenyi Meugue, , , economics-affairs publicationsafrica digitalisation illicit-financial-flows
From Caregivers to Change-Makers: Empowering Women's Political Participation by Acknowledging Unpaid Care Work in Sub-Saharan Africa
From Caregivers to Change-Makers: Empowering Women’s Political Participation by Acknowledging Unpaid Care Work in Sub-Saharan AfricaNovember 26, 2024Dr. Yollande Meli Tankeu, , economics-affairs publicationspolitical-participation-of-women sub-saharan-africa
Over-Indebtedness in Central Africa: Causes, Consequences, and Reform Strategies
Over-Indebtedness in Central Africa: Causes, Consequences, and Reform StrategiesOctober 16, 2024Dr. Stephane Atangana, , economics-affairs publicationscentral-africa over-indebtedness
REPORT ON THE 2024 CENTRAL AFRICA THINK TANK FORUMOctober 15, 2024Nkafu Policy Institute, actions reports publications
The cost of not reforming the CFA Franc on the Bilateral Trade of Member Countries: Some scenarios
The cost of not reforming the CFA Franc on the Bilateral Trade of Member Countries: Some scenariosOctober 8, 2024Nkafu Policy Institute, publications reports
A Reflection on Africa’s Democratic Future: Why Governments Need to Invest in Curriculum-Driven Civic Education
A Reflection on Africa’s Democratic Future: Why Governments Need to Invest in Curriculum-Driven Civic EducationOctober 8, 2024Dr. Felix Kumah-Abiwu, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscivic-education democracy-in-africa
Facilitating Business creation in Cameroon
Facilitating Business creation in CameroonOctober 2, 2024Laurent Brice Nsengue, Bin Meh and Kum Desmond Meh, , economics-affairs publications social-entrepreneurship-policy-brief
The Impact of Access to credit on Women’s Entrepreneurship
The Impact of Access to credit on Women’s EntrepreneurshipSeptember 19, 2024Dr. Vera Kum, , economics-affairs publicationsaccess-to-credit women-entrepreneurs
Bringing Light to the Challenges that Cameroonian Startups face: The Pressing Need for a Law on Startups
Bringing Light to the Challenges that Cameroonian Startups face: The Pressing Need for a Law on StartupsSeptember 19, 2024Dr. Adeline Nembot and Dr. Yollande Meli Tankeu, , economics-affairs publicationslaw-on-startups start-ups-in-cameroon
Financing Innovations - Cameroonian Startups and the Rise of Alternative Funding
Financing Innovations – Cameroonian Startups and the Rise of Alternative FundingSeptember 19, 2024Dr. Adeline Nembot, Dr. Yollande Meli Tankeu and Larissa Ntoubia, , economics-affairs publicationsfinancing-innovations start-ups-in-cameroon
The Ripple Effects of Sino-African Relations on African Economies
The Ripple Effects of Sino-African Relations on African EconomiesSeptember 9, 2024Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationsafrican-economies sino-african-relations
Youth Participation in Democratic Processes in Francophone Africa
Youth Participation in Democratic Processes in Francophone AfricaSeptember 9, 2024Dr. Pippie Hugues, governance-democracy-initiative publications
Electoral Processes and Issues of Legitimacy in Francophone Africa
Electoral Processes and Issues of Legitimacy in Francophone AfricaSeptember 9, 2024Dr Primus Tazanu, , , forum governance-democracy-initiative publicationselectoral-issues electoral-processes
Democratization Challenges: Women, Youth, and Electoral Dynamics in French-Speaking Africa
Democratization Challenges: Women, Youth, and Electoral Dynamics in French-Speaking AfricaSeptember 9, 2024Aurelia Njomo Endeley, governance-democracy-initiative publicationsdemocratization-challenges
Electoral Fraud and the Weakening Of Cameroonian Democracy
Electoral Fraud and the Weakening Of Cameroonian DemocracySeptember 9, 2024Joseph Thierry OKALA EBODE, Ph.D, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscameroonian-democracy electoral-fraud
Equality of arms between candidates in electoral processes in Africa: case of Cameroon
Equality of arms between candidates in electoral processes in Africa: case of CameroonSeptember 9, 2024Dr. Theophile Nguimfack Voufo, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsafrica electoral-processes
The Role of Civil Society During Elections In Cameroon
The Role of Civil Society During Elections In CameroonSeptember 9, 2024Guy Beaudry JENGU JENGU, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscivil-society-organizations elections-in-cameroon
The contested legal provisions of Cameroonian electoral law
The contested legal provisions of Cameroonian electoral lawSeptember 9, 2024Vanessa Aboudi, governance-democracy-initiative publicationselectoral-law
Political alternation in Cameroon, between boycotting elections and a closed electoral system
Political alternation in Cameroon, between boycotting elections and a closed electoral systemSeptember 9, 2024Prof. Ngo Tong Chantal, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscameroon presidential-elections
Political Alliances in Francophone Africa: Lessons from the Senegalese Sonko-Faye Model
Political Alliances in Francophone Africa: Lessons from the Senegalese Sonko-Faye ModelSeptember 9, 2024Pouomegne Kamdem Prunelle Franchessa, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsafrica political-alliances
The Nexus Between Elections and Public Health
The Nexus Between Elections and Public HealthSeptember 9, 2024Ghyslaine Bruna Djeunang Dongho, Dr. Odette KIBU, Solange Dabou and Ronald M. Gobina, , public-health-topics publicationselections public-health
Equipping Think Tanks in Central Africa for Greater Impact
Equipping Think Tanks in Central Africa for Greater ImpactJuly 31, 2024Davila Djomou, actions programs
Call for  Applications : Country Partnership Opportunity for Independent Think Tanks in Central Africa
Call for Applications : Country Partnership Opportunity for Independent Think Tanks in Central AfricaJuly 29, 2024Davila Djomou, , actions appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
Driving Organizational Success : Mastering Leadership and Management Excellence
Driving Organizational Success : Mastering Leadership and Management ExcellenceJuly 25, 2024Fenangi Javeline Claire, actions programs
Gateway to a Successful Implementation of the AfCFTA in Cameroon
Gateway to a Successful Implementation of the AfCFTA in CameroonJuly 25, 2024Bin Meh, Sandrine Viesi Maingeh and Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, afcfta-policy-brief publications
Accelerating National Value Chains Through a Better Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement in Cameroon
Accelerating National Value Chains Through a Better Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement in CameroonJuly 25, 2024Dr. Adeline Nembot, Larissa Ntoubia, Sandrine Viesi Maingeh and Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, afcfta-policy-brief publications
Cameroon Government’s Response to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Within the Context of the Anglophone Armed Conflict
Cameroon Government’s Response to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Within the Context of the Anglophone Armed ConflictJuly 17, 2024Muriel Mesette Kinkoh, , , peace-security publicationsanglophone-conflict-in-cameroon governments-response sexual-violence
A Matter of Life and Death: “Why Universal Health Coverage is Vital for Road Traffic Accident Survivors Requiring Surgery?”
A Matter of Life and Death: “Why Universal Health Coverage is Vital for Road Traffic Accident Survivors Requiring Surgery?”July 17, 2024Regina Sinsai, public-health-topics publicationsuniversal-health-coverage
Breaking barriers to increase subscription to health insurance in Cameroon
Breaking barriers to increase subscription to health insurance in CameroonJuly 17, 2024Dr. Odette KIBU, Ghyslaine Bruna Djeunang Dongho, Evrard Kepgang, Regina Sinsai, Constantine Asahngwa, Ph.D, Wilfred NGWA, Dr Valery Ngo, Solange Dabou and Ronald M. Gobina, public-health-topics publications
Gender as a pillar for sustainable development in Central Africa
Gender as a pillar for sustainable development in Central AfricaJuly 17, 2024Dr. Theophile Nguimfack Voufo, , , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscentral-africa gender sustainable-development
Deadly poisons in our plates: Curbing the Use of Unsafe Chemicals in Cameroonian Food Markets
Deadly poisons in our plates: Curbing the Use of Unsafe Chemicals in Cameroonian Food MarketsJuly 17, 2024Solange Dabou, Dr Valery Ngo, Regina Sinsai and Evrard Kepgang, , public-health-topics publicationsfood-markets unsafe-chemicals
Announcing the 2024 Emerging Leaders Cohort
Announcing the 2024 Emerging Leaders CohortJuly 16, 2024Bruno Ittiaactions
Formalizing Businesses to Improve Performance and Access to Financing for SMEs in Cameroon
Formalizing Businesses to Improve Performance and Access to Financing for SMEs in CameroonJuly 12, 2024Laurent Brice Nsengue and Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , actions publications social-entrepreneurship-policy-brief
The Failure of Large-Scale Land Acquisition in the Land Governance in Cameroon
The Failure of Large-Scale Land Acquisition in the Land Governance in CameroonJuly 3, 2024Agnès Tatiana OMENGUE EDOA and Guy Beaudry JENGU JENGU, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsaccess-to-land urban-governance-in-cameroon
Of Power, Privilege, and Gender: Men need to Reflect on their Unearned Advantages in the Society
Of Power, Privilege, and Gender: Men need to Reflect on their Unearned Advantages in the SocietyJuly 3, 2024Dr Primus Tazanu, , forum governance-democracy-initiative publicationsprivilege-and-gender
The role of think tanks in strengthening democratic institutions in Central Africa
The role of think tanks in strengthening democratic institutions in Central AfricaJuly 3, 2024Dr. Theophile Nguimfack Voufo, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsdemocratic-strength think-tanks-in-africa
Report Two-day Leadership and Advocacy Immersion Program
Report Two-day Leadership and Advocacy Immersion ProgramJune 24, 2024Nkafu Policy Institute, , , appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom publications reports
Country Partnership Opportunity for Independent Think Tanks in Central Africa
Country Partnership Opportunity for Independent Think Tanks in Central AfricaJune 18, 2024Davila Djomou, , announcement appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
Constraints of Unifying Regional Economic Communities in Central Africa
Constraints of Unifying Regional Economic Communities in Central AfricaJune 7, 2024Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , , economics-affairs httpwww-foretiafoundation-orgpolicy-advocacy publicationscentral-africa unifying-regional-communities
Factors contributing to the failure of development projects in Cameroon
Factors contributing to the failure of development projects in CameroonJune 3, 2024Merlin Mfondo, Ph.D, , publications social-entrepreneurshipcameroun failure-of-development-projects
Choosing your coffin hopelessly before seeing a doctor: A policy response to mitigate the sales of caskets in front of public hospitals in Cameroon
Choosing your coffin hopelessly before seeing a doctor: A policy response to mitigate the sales of caskets in front of public hospitals in CameroonJune 3, 2024Dr Valery Ngo, , , public-health-topics publicationscameroon public-hospitals sales-of-caskets
Matters arising from the lack of comprehensive sexuality education in Africa
Matters arising from the lack of comprehensive sexuality education in AfricaJune 3, 2024Dr Valery Ngo, Regina Sinsai, Solange Dabou and Evrard Kepgang, , , public-health-topics publicationsafrica education sexuality
Increasing access to cancer therapies: A window of hope for overcoming the disease in Africa
Increasing access to cancer therapies: A window of hope for overcoming the disease in AfricaJune 3, 2024Dr. Odette KIBU, , public-health-topics publicationsafrica cancer-therapies
Call for Applications – 2024 Emerging Leaders Program
Call for Applications – 2024 Emerging Leaders ProgramMay 30, 2024Davila Djomou, , actions appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
Call for Entries - Electoral Processes in French-speaking Africa
Call for Entries – Electoral Processes in French-speaking AfricaMay 28, 2024Bruno Ittiaactions
Survival Strategies in a Turbulent Business Environment
Survival Strategies in a Turbulent Business EnvironmentMay 10, 2024Merlin Mfondo, Ph.D, , , , actions publications social-entrepreneurship-policy-briefnorthwest-southwest-cameroon sole-proprietorship-company survival-strategies
Central Africa and the third term syndrome, a challenge for Democracy
Central Africa and the third term syndrome, a challenge for DemocracyApril 29, 2024Dr. Pippie Hugues, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscentral-africa third-term-syndrome
We are Hiring a CEO at The Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation
We are Hiring a CEO at The Denis & Lenora Foretia FoundationApril 15, 2024Davila Djomou, , announcement appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
Our Monique documentary banner
“Our Monique” Documentary Release: Shining a Light on Maternal Healthcare in CameroonMarch 27, 2024Bruno Ittia, actions documentary
Empowering Central African Think Tank Leaders through the Leadership and Advocacy Immersion Program
Empowering Central African Think Tank Leaders through the Leadership and Advocacy Immersion ProgramMarch 25, 2024Bruno Ittiaactions
Unifying Regional Economic Communities: Are we on track in Central Africa?
Unifying Regional Economic Communities: Are we on track in Central Africa?March 7, 2024Bruno Ittia, , , , actions webinarafcfta eccas free-trade regional-economic-communities
CALL FOR APPLICATION: Country Partnership Opportunity for 6 Independent Think Tanks in Central Africa
CALL FOR APPLICATION: Country Partnership Opportunity for 6 Independent Think Tanks in Central AfricaMarch 5, 2024Davila Djomou, , actions appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
Call For Papers on Monetary Policy in Francophone Africa
Call For Papers on Monetary Policy in Francophone AfricaFebruary 1, 2024Nkafu Policy Institute, , actions appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
Dash TV Report on the AfCFTA Stakeholders Meeting (January 2024)
Dash TV Report on the AfCFTA Stakeholders Meeting (January 2024)February 1, 2024Davila Djomou, actions communique
Cameroon: Regional Economic Communities Crucial in Accelerating AfCFTA Implementation
Cameroon: Regional Economic Communities Crucial in Accelerating AfCFTA ImplementationFebruary 1, 2024Davila Djomou, actions communique
Hi TV Report on AfCFTA Panel Discussion (January 2024)
Hi TV Report on AfCFTA Panel Discussion (January 2024)February 1, 2024Davila Djomou, actions communique
Cameroonians Urged to Fast-Track AfCFTA Implementation
Cameroonians Urged to Fast-Track AfCFTA ImplementationFebruary 1, 2024Davila Djomou, actions forum
Information pollution and the reoccurrence of socio-political crisis during the 2018 presidential election in Cameroon
Information pollution and the reoccurrence of socio-political crisis during the 2018 presidential election in CameroonJanuary 15, 2024Charly NDIAPI FOPA, Ph.D., , , peace-security publications2018-presidential-election cameroon socio-political-crisis
Dr. Merlin Mfondo Appointed Executive Director of the Nkafu Policy Institute
Dr. Merlin Mfondo Appointed Executive Director of the Nkafu Policy InstituteJanuary 10, 2024Nkafu Policy Institute, actions announcement
Reflecting On Post-Electoral Disputes: A Need To Promote Living Together And The Authority Of The State In Cameroon
Reflecting On Post-Electoral Disputes: A Need To Promote Living Together And The Authority Of The State In CameroonJanuary 8, 2024Dr Kuba Abouem Perpétue, , , , peace-security publicationsauthority-of-the-state cameroon post-electoral-disputes promote-living-together
The Need For a Startup Act In Cameroon
The Need For a Startup Act In CameroonDecember 18, 2023Nkafu Policy Institute, publications reports
The Leadership Conundrum in Nigeria and Implications for the Development and Peace of the Niger Delta Region
The Leadership Conundrum in Nigeria and Implications for the Development and Peace of the Niger Delta RegionDecember 14, 2023TAPUKA Gerald, Ph.D and William H. Arrey, , , peace-security httpwww-foretiafoundation-orgpolicy-advocacy publicationsconundrum-in-nigeria implications-for-the-development-and-peace
5 June 20012. El Fasher: A UNAMID military member from Nepal commemorates the World Environment Day planting a tree at the UNAMID headquarters in El Fasher. Photo by Albert Gonzalez Farran - UNAMID
Nigeria’s Policy Response to the Niger Delta and Boko Haram Crises and the Challenges of Post-Conflict EnvironmentDecember 14, 2023Prof Kehinde Olayode and William H. Arrey, , , , peace-security httpwww-foretiafoundation-orgpolicy-advocacy publicationsboko-haram crises-and-the-challenges post-conflict-environment
The Second Decolonisation in French Africa en Marche and the Security Challenges
The Second Decolonisation in French Africa en Marche and the Security ChallengesDecember 14, 2023Tazoacha Francis, , , , peace-security httpwww-foretiafoundation-orgpolicy-advocacy publicationsdecolonisation french-africa security-challenges
CALL FOR  APPLICATION : Identification of Country Partners
CALL FOR APPLICATION : Identification of Country PartnersDecember 4, 2023Davila Djomou, appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
Capacity Building Workshop in Yaounde
Capacity Building Workshop in YaoundeNovember 14, 2023Nkafu Policy Institute, actions reportagecommunity-dialogue-in-yaounde
Community Dialogue in Bafoussam
Community Dialogue in BafoussamNovember 14, 2023Nkafu Policy Institute, actions reportagecommunity-dialogue-in-bafoussam
Report of the 2023 Central Africa Think Tank Forum
Report of the 2023 Central Africa Think Tank ForumOctober 25, 2023Nkafu Policy Institute, , , publications reports2023 forum report
Revisiting the Content and Context of Urbanization Policies from a Conflict Management Perspective in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Revisiting the Content and Context of Urbanization Policies from a Conflict Management Perspective in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaOctober 16, 2023Elias Gudissa Kebede, , publicationsconflict-management-perspective ethiopia urbanization-policies
Loss & Damage Fund: A Breakthrough for Climate-Induced Poverty in Africa
Loss & Damage Fund: A Breakthrough for Climate-Induced Poverty in AfricaOctober 10, 2023Bin Meh, , , economics-affairs publicationsafrica breakthrough-for-climate-induced-poverty loss-and-damage-fund
Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Development in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Development in Africa: Challenges and OpportunitiesOctober 10, 2023Larissa Ntoubia, economics-affairs publications
The Effect of the New Global Financing Aid on Climate Variability Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Countries
The Effect of the New Global Financing Aid on Climate Variability Adaptation in Sub-Saharan CountriesOctober 10, 2023Dr. Yollande Meli Tankeu and Emilie Bitongo, , , economics-affairs publicationsclimate-variability-adaptation new-global-financing-aid sub-saharan-countries
Economic Impacts of a New Global Financing Aid on Sub-Saharan African Countries
Economic Impacts of a New Global Financing Aid on Sub-Saharan African CountriesOctober 9, 2023Bin Meh, , , economics-affairs publicationseconomic-impacts impact-of-accelerators-in-sub-saharan-africa new-global-financing-aid
The Role of New Global Financial Aid in Reducing Poverty in Sub-Saharan
The Role of New Global Financial Aid in Reducing Poverty in Sub-SaharanOctober 9, 2023Dr. Adeline Nembot and Larissa Ntoubia, , , economics-affairs publicationsnew-global-financial-aid poverty sub-saharan
Performance-based Financing in the Healthcare Sector: Challenges, opportunities and prospects.
Performance-based Financing in the Healthcare Sector: Challenges, opportunities and prospects.October 9, 2023Dr. Vera Kum, , , , economics-affairs publicationschallenges financing-in-the-healthcare-sector opportunities prospects
The Role of Education in the Career Choices of Married Women in Cameroon
The Role of Education in the Career Choices of Married Women in CameroonOctober 9, 2023Dr. Adeline Nembot, , , economics-affairs publicationscameroon career-choices-of-married-women education
Analysing the Socioeconomic Consequences of the Anglophone Conflict in Cameroon
Analysing the Socioeconomic Consequences of the Anglophone Conflict in CameroonOctober 9, 2023Dr. Adeline Nembot, Bin Meh and Dr Parfait Bihkongnyuy Beri, economics-affairs publications
Pooling Actions to Raise the Impact  of Think Tanks in Central Africa
Pooling Actions to Raise the Impact of Think Tanks in Central AfricaSeptember 27, 2023Nkafu Policy Institutereports publications
L’état du Financement des  Soins de Santé au Cameroun
L’état du Financement des Soins de Santé au CamerounSeptember 27, 2023Nkafu Policy Institute, public-health-topics reports publications
De jeunes entrepreneurs à l’école de la formalisation des entreprises
De jeunes entrepreneurs à l’école de la formalisation des entreprisesSeptember 27, 2023Davila Djomouactions
The Decarbonisation Puzzle in Africa: The Case of South Africa
The Decarbonisation Puzzle in Africa: The Case of South AfricaSeptember 25, 2023Dr Parfait Bihkongnyuy Beri, , economics-affairs publicationsdecarbonisation-puzzle south-africa
Challenges and Opportunities of Digitalisation on the Future of Work in Africa
Challenges and Opportunities of Digitalisation on the Future of Work in AfricaSeptember 25, 2023Dr Parfait Bihkongnyuy Beri, , , economics-affairs publicationsafrica challenges-and-opportunities digitalisation
Cameroun : les Tink Tank d’Afrique centrale organisent leur premier forum à Yaoundé
Cameroun : les Tink Tank d’Afrique centrale organisent leur premier forum à YaoundéSeptember 18, 2023Davila Djomouactions
Historical perspectives from traditional Leaders and Elders
Historical perspectives from traditional Leaders and EldersSeptember 8, 2023Nkafu Policy Institute, , economics-affairs precolonial-free-trade publicationsfree-trade
La jeunesse, fer de lance de l’entrepreneuriat
La jeunesse, fer de lance de l’entrepreneuriatSeptember 4, 2023Davila Djomouactions
Cameroon Gets Representative For International Economic Olympiads in Greece
Cameroon Gets Representative For International Economic Olympiads in GreeceAugust 30, 2023Davila Djomouactions
BornFyne : La solution de santé numérique
BornFyne : La solution de santé numériqueAugust 16, 2023Davila Djomouactions
African Brain Drain Hampers the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area
African Brain Drain Hampers the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade AreaAugust 11, 2023Dr. Jean Cedric Kouamprecolonial-free-trade
Cameroun : des porteurs de projets incités à la formalisation des entreprises
Cameroun : des porteurs de projets incités à la formalisation des entreprisesAugust 3, 2023Davila Djomouactions
Nkafu Policy Institute’s Leadership Immersion Program Underscores Need to Fortify Think Tanks
Nkafu Policy Institute’s Leadership Immersion Program Underscores Need to Fortify Think TanksJuly 26, 2023Davila Djomouactions
Highlighting the challenges of Regional Councils in the Implementation of Effective Decentralization in Cameroon
Highlighting the challenges of Regional Councils in the Implementation of Effective Decentralization in CameroonJuly 18, 2023Antem Anthony, , peace-security publicationschallenges-of-regional-councils decentralization-in-cameroon
The Socio-Economic Implications of Visa Digitalization in Cameroon
The Socio-Economic Implications of Visa Digitalization in CameroonJuly 18, 2023Dr. Hervé Ondoua, , economics-affairs publicationssocio-economic-implications visa-digitalization
Visa Digitalization and Tourism in Cameroon: A Promising Future?
Visa Digitalization and Tourism in Cameroon: A Promising Future?July 18, 2023Dr. Yollande Meli Tankeu and Boris Andzanga Ndzana, , economics-affairs publicationstourism-in-cameroon visa-digitalization
Visit in Douala : Interview with Prince kumA Ndume
Visit in Douala : Interview with Prince kumA NdumeJuly 18, 2023Davila Djomou, actions precolonial-free-trade-gallery
Visit in TCHEBOA : Interview with LAMIDO DE TCHEBOA
Visit in TCHEBOA : Interview with LAMIDO DE TCHEBOAJuly 18, 2023Davila Djomou, actions precolonial-free-trade-gallery
Visit in Fossong-Wentcheng : Interview with H.R.M Nguefack Placide
Visit in Fossong-Wentcheng : Interview with H.R.M Nguefack PlacideJuly 18, 2023Davila Djomou, actions precolonial-free-trade-gallery
An Analysis of Women's Contribution to Economic Growth in Cameroon
An Analysis of Women’s Contribution to Economic Growth in CameroonJune 7, 2023Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , publications social-entrepreneurship-policy-briefeconomic-growth-in-cameroon womens-contribution
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Public Policy course analysis
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Public Policy course analysisJune 2, 2023Davila Djomou, appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
Exploring Precolonial Free Trade in the Northwest Region of Cameroon
Exploring Precolonial Free Trade in the Northwest Region of CameroonMay 29, 2023Tazoacha Francis, , , peace-security precolonial-free-trade publicationsnorthwest-region precolonial-free-trade
Visit in Mankon Fondom : Interview with Fon Angwafor IV Fru Asaah
Visit in Mankon Fondom : Interview with Fon Angwafor IV Fru AsaahMay 17, 2023Davila Djomou, actions precolonial-free-trade-gallery
Visit in Bimbia :Interview with the chief of Dikolo
Visit in Bimbia :Interview with the chief of DikoloMay 17, 2023Davila Djomou, , actions precolonial-free-trade-galleryinterview visit-in-bimbia
Global Surgery Advocacy Fellow report
Global Surgery Advocacy Fellow: In-Person Training ReportMay 9, 2023Global Surgery Advocacy Fellowactionsglobal-surgery-advocacy
Focus on Public-Private Partnerships in Cameroon
Focus on Public-Private Partnerships in CameroonMay 8, 2023Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, economics-affairs publicationspublic-private-partnerships-in-cameroon
Youth political participation in Africa : Lessons from the 2023 Nigerian Presidential elections
Youth political participation in Africa : Lessons from the 2023 Nigerian Presidential electionsApril 27, 2023Ngwang Roger, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsnigerian-presidential-elections youth-political-participation-in-africa
FISCAL POLICY LETTER : The Effectiveness of Tax Exemptions in Cameroon
FISCAL POLICY LETTER : The Effectiveness of Tax Exemptions in CameroonApril 26, 2023Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, Bin Meh, Dr. Hervé Ondoua, Dr. Yollande Meli Tankeu, Larissa Ntoubia and Boris Andzanga Ndzana, , , economics-affairs lettre-de-politique-fiscalecameroon fiscal-policy-letter tax-exemptions
Two-day-in-person Leadership and Advocacy Immersion for ECCAS Think Tank Leaders
Two-day-in-person Leadership and Advocacy Immersion for ECCAS Think Tank LeadersApril 24, 2023Davila Djomou, appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiom
Policy Options to Improve the Business Climate in Cameroon
The Urgent Need to Improve the Business Climate in CameroonApril 24, 2023Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, economics-affairs publicationsbusiness-climate-in-cameroon
The Relevance of an Optimal Policy Mix in the CEMAC zone
The Relevance of an Optimal Policy Mix in the CEMAC zoneApril 11, 2023Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam and Dr. Simplice A. Asongu, , economics-affairs publicationsexcas working-paper
Factors Contributing to Low Insurance Subscriptions in Cameroon
Factors Contributing to Low Insurance Subscriptions in CameroonMarch 27, 2023Regina Sinsai, Dr. Odette KIBU, Constantine Asahngwa, Ph.D, Fobella Nkengafac, Ngo V. Ngo, Wilfred NGWA, Solange Dabou, Ghyslaine Bruna Djeunang Dongho, Evrard Kepgang, Ronald M. Gobina and Dr. Denis Foretia, , , public-health-topics private-health-insurance publicationsinsurance-subscriptions-in-cameroon private-health-insurance-in-cameroon
The Contribution of Private Health Insurance to the Financing of Healthcare in Cameroon
The Contribution of Private Health Insurance to the Financing of Healthcare in CameroonMarch 27, 2023Jean Bruno ESSONO OYONO, , , , education-health-policy public-health-topics private-health-insurance publicationshealthcare-financing-in-cameroon private-health-insurance-in-cameroon
Promoting Rural Development to Reduce Gender Inequalities in Cameroon
Promoting Rural Development to Reduce Gender Inequalities in CameroonMarch 24, 2023Boris Andzanga Ndzana and Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationsreduce-gender-inequalities rural-development
What Should we Retain from the 36th Summit of the African Union?
What Should we Retain from the 36th Summit of the African Union?March 23, 2023Vanessa Aboudi, governance-democracy-initiative publications36th-summit-of-the-african-union
Cameroon: Assassination of Journalist Martinez Zogo, State Security in Danger?
Cameroon: Assassination of Journalist Martinez Zogo, State Security in Danger?March 23, 2023Dr. Delmas Tsafackgovernance-democracy-initiativeassassination-of-journalist-martinez-zogo
Examining Conflict-induced Migration within the CEMAC Zone
Examining Conflict-induced Migration within the CEMAC ZoneMarch 23, 2023Antem Anthony, , , peace-security publicationsconflict-in-africa conflict-in-cemac-region conflict-induced-migration
Revisiting Free Trade in the Bimbia During the Precolonial Era from an Oral Perspective
Revisiting Free Trade in the Bimbia During the Precolonial Era from an Oral PerspectiveMarch 21, 2023Tazoacha Francis and Dr. Delmas Tsafack, , , , , economics-affairs governance-democracy-initiative precolonial-free-trade publicationsoral-perspective precolonial-era trade-in-the-bimbia
Challenges and Opportunities of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Development in Cameroon
Challenges and Opportunities of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Development in CameroonMarch 14, 2023Nkafu Policy Institute, , economics-affairs publicationssmall-and-medium-sized-enterprises small-and-medium-sized-enterprises-development-in-cameroon
Implications of the Reduction of Subsidies on Petroleum Products on Macroeconomic Stability in Cameroon
Implications of the Reduction of Subsidies on Petroleum Products on Macroeconomic Stability in CameroonMarch 8, 2023Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , , economics-affairs publicationsmacroeconomic-stability-in-cameroon petroleum-products reduction-of-subsidies-on-petroleum-products
health-care-insurance (1)
Private Health Insurance Service Providers in Cameroon: Current StatusMarch 8, 2023Constantine Asahngwa, Ph.D and Dr. Odette KIBU, , education-health-policy private-health-insurance publicationsprivate-health-insurance-in-cameroon
Scholarship: Workshop on Scientific and Manuscript Writing
Scholarship: Workshop on Scientific and Manuscript WritingFebruary 28, 2023TALLA Belder Carynthoncall-for-applicatiom
Economic Growth in CEMAC
The Implications of Financial Development for Economic Growth in CEMACFebruary 15, 2023Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , , economics-affairs publicationsdomestic-credit economic-growth-in-the-cemac-zone private-sector
SME Flagship and Job preparedness bootcamp trainings kicks off in the Center, West, and South-West regions!!!
SME Flagship and Job preparedness bootcamp trainings kicks off in the Center, West, and South-West regions!!!February 14, 2023Davila Djomou, , , , , announcement communiquebootcamp center conflict-in-south-west-region-of-cameroon sme-flagship-and-job-preparedness west
Accès aux soins de santé en Afrique et Objectifs de Développement Durable
Accès aux soins de santé en Afrique et Objectifs de Développement DurableFebruary 13, 2023Davila Djomouvideos
Assessing the Economic Strength of Women in the Reconstruction of the NW and SW Regions of Cameroon
Assessing the Economic Strength of Women in the Reconstruction of the NW and SW Regions of CameroonFebruary 10, 2023Davila Djomou, , , , videosassessing-the-economic-strength cameroon economic-strength north-west south-west
Enhancing Women's Access to Social Protection in Cameroon
Enhancing Women’s Access to Social Protection in CameroonFebruary 10, 2023Davila Djomou, videoscameroon woman-acces-to-social-protection
The African Union 20 years later – Conversation With Prof. Hajer Gueldich
The African Union 20 years later – Conversation With Prof. Hajer GueldichFebruary 10, 2023Davila Djomou, , , videos20-years-later african-union conversation prof-hejer-gueldich
Replay | Revisiting Healthcare Delivery in Post Covid Era: Focus on Africa
Replay | Revisiting Healthcare Delivery in Post Covid Era: Focus on AfricaFebruary 10, 2023Davila Djomou, , , forum videosafrica healthcare-delivery postcovid
Replay | Health care financing towards greater health equity in Africa
Replay | Health care financing towards greater health equity in AfricaFebruary 10, 2023Davila Djomou, , , , videosforum health-care health-equity health-equity-in-africa health-facilities
Les-routes-communales-sont-un-enjeu-de-developpement-local. (2)
Financial Autonomy of Decentralized Local Authorities and Local DevelopmentFebruary 10, 2023Dr. Hervé Ondoua, Bin Meh, Boris Andzanga Ndzana and Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationsdecentralization-in-cameroon local-development-in-cameroon
Challenges business women face in accessing finances for Economic Growth in Cameroon
Challenges business women face in accessing finances for Economic Growth in CameroonFebruary 9, 2023Davila Djomou, , documentaryaccessing-finances business-women economic-growth-in-cameroon
The Role of Gender Equity in Women’s Economic Development in Cameroon
The Role of Gender Equity in Women’s Economic Development in CameroonFebruary 9, 2023Davila Djomou, , , documentaryeconimic-developement gender-equity gender-equity-in-cameroon womens-economic-development-in-cameroon
The issue of Laws and Policies on Promoting Women’s Economic Rights in Cameroon
The issue of Laws and Policies on Promoting Women’s Economic Rights in CameroonFebruary 9, 2023Davila Djomou, , documentarylaws-and-policies-in-cameroon promotion-of-women-in-cameroon womens-economic-rights
The Burden of out of pocket expenditure among health care users in Cameroon
The Burden of out of pocket expenditure among health care users in CameroonFebruary 9, 2023Davila Djomou, , documentaryhealth-burden health-care-in-cameroon pocket-expenditure
fight against corruption in Cameroon
What Synergy of Action in the Fight Against Corruption in Cameroon?February 7, 2023Dr. Theophile Nguimfack Voufo, , , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscorruption-in-cameroon fight-against-corruption-in-cameroon national-anti-corruption-commission
The Russian-Ukrainian War: An Opportunity to Strengthen the AfCFTA
The Russian-Ukrainian War: An Opportunity to Strengthen the AfCFTAFebruary 2, 2023Dr Steve TAMETONG and Vanessa Aboudi, , , economics-affairs publicationsafcfta african-continental-free-trade-area russian-ukrainian-war
The Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Cameroon
The Protection of Human Rights Defenders in CameroonFebruary 1, 2023Dr Steve TAMETONG and Vanessa Aboudi, governance-democracy-initiative publicationshuman-rights-defenders-in-cameroon
Female Entrepreneurship In Africa
Entrepreneurship, Youths, and Women Economic Inclusion in CameroonJanuary 17, 2023Laurent Brice Nsengue, Bin Meh and Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , , economics-affairs publicationseconomic-inclusion-of-youths-and-women entrepreneurship-in-cameroon female-entrepreneurship-in-cameroon
A Primer for Poverty Reduction in Africa
Universal Basic Income: A Primer for Poverty Reduction in AfricaJanuary 11, 2023Bin Meh, Larissa Ntoubia and Dr. Hervé Ondoua, , economics-affairs publicationspoverty-reduction-in-africa universal-basic-income
The African Continental Free Trade Area - A boon for the Africa we want by 2063
The African Continental Free Trade Area: A boon for the “Africa We Want” by 2063?January 11, 2023Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationsafcfta african-continental-free-trade-area
Cameroon: The State's Transfer of Powers to the Regions
Cameroon: The State’s Transfer of Powers to the RegionsJanuary 10, 2023Pacôme VOUFFO, governance-democracy-initiative publicationsdecentralization-in-cameroon
The Regional Administrative Structure in Cameroon
The Regional Administrative Structure in CameroonJanuary 10, 2023Ebenezer David Ngahna Mangmadi, governance-democracy-initiative publicationsregional-administrative-structure-in-cameroon
Regions and Economic Development in Cameroon
Regions and Economic Development in CameroonJanuary 10, 2023Prof. Ngo Tong Chantal, governance-democracy-initiative publicationseconomic-development-in-cameroon
Food Security in CEMAC Countries
The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Food Security in CEMAC CountriesDecember 16, 2022Fabien SUNDJO and Dr. Vera Kum, , economics-affairs publicationsfood-security-in-cemac-countries russia-ukraine-conflict
taxation in Cameroon
The Expected Effects of Taxation on the Competitiveness of the Cameroon’s Economy in 2023December 13, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationscameroons-economy-in-2023 taxation-in-cameroon
Irregularity of Wages and Company Performance
Irregularity of Wages and Company PerformanceDecember 8, 2022Dr. Hervé Ondoua, economics-affairs publicationsirregularity-of-wages-in-cameroon
Monetary Policy of the Bank of Central African States
The Consequences of Imported Inflation on the Effectiveness of the Monetary Policy of the Bank of Central African StatesDecember 8, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, economics-affairs publicationsmonetary-policy-of-the-bank-of-central-african-states
Universal Health Care Coverage and COVID-19
Universal Health Care Coverage and COVID-19December 6, 2022Dr. Vera Kum, , education-health-policy publicationscovid-19 universal-health-care-coverage
The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Cameroon's Economic Growth
The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Cameroon’s Economic GrowthDecember 6, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam and Victoire Agnès Mokam, , economics-affairs publicationscameroons-economic-growth financial-inclusion
Improving Bank Service Quality in Cameroon as a Tool to Enhance Economic GrowthDecember 6, 2022Fabien SUNDJO, economics-affairs publicationsenhance-economic-growth
The Fight Against Corruption and Related Acts in NDS30 in Cameroon
The Fight Against Corruption and Related Acts in NDS30 in CameroonNovember 24, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG, , governance-democracy-initiativefight-against-corruption-in-cameroon national-development-strategy-2020-2030 nds30
Nkafu Policy Institute presents Findings, Recommendations of WERC Project
Nkafu Policy Institute presents Findings, Recommendations of WERC ProjectNovember 23, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, actions werc-news
Rapport sur le Budget 2022 de L’état du Cameroun 3
Rapport Sur Le Budget 2022 De L’état Du CamerounNovember 22, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, , , economics-affairs reports publicationsbudget-2022-de-letat-du-cameroun promouvoir-la-liberte-economique viabilite-de-la-dette-publique
Foundation Co-Chairs Dr Denis Foretia and Lenora Ebule with the Rising Tide Foundation leadership team in New York, NY
Foretia Foundation Receives New $505,000 GrantNovember 21, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, actions communique
Interventions for Non-Communicable DiseasesNovember 16, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, , , education-health-policy public-health-topics private-health-insurance publicationsnon-communicable-diseases
Education to the Reasonable Use of Social Networks: Preventive Strategy Against the Trivialization of Violence
Education to the Reasonable Use of Social NetworksNovember 14, 2022Dr. Bertrand BEGOUMENIE, , peace-security publicationspreventive-strategy-against-violence use-of-social-networks
Empowerment of Mboy Women in the East Region of Cameroon
Challenges to the Economic Empowerment of Mboy Women in the East Region of Cameroon and Implications for Community Development and PeaceNovember 14, 2022Dr. Marie Paule NEMI, , peace-security publicationscommunity-development-and-peace economic-empowerment-of-women-in-cameroon
Nouveaux billets de banque en Afrique Centrale - Cameroun 2022
Why Did BEAC Decide to Introduce a New Series of Bank Notes 20 Years After Those of 2003?November 14, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationsbeac new-series-of-bank-notes-in-central-africa
Virtual Space Regulation: Tested by ‘Cyber-Obscenity’ in Cameroon
Virtual Space Regulation: Tested by ‘Cyber-Obscenity’ in CameroonNovember 11, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG and Pierre Yvan Belinga Meka, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscyber-obscenity-in-cameroon virtual-space-regulation
PROTECTION DE LA fortune publique au cameroun
Termination of Proceedings and Effectiveness of Public Wealth Protection in CameroonNovember 11, 2022Dr. Dhuamel TIETSIA TATIEKAM, governance-democracy-initiative publicationspublic-fortune-in-cameroon
Russia’s Game of Influence in the Reconfiguration of Military Cooperation in the Central African Republic
Russia’s Game of Influence in the Reconfiguration of Military Cooperation in the CARNovember 9, 2022Dr. Arielle Georgette Djoufan Fotsing, , peace-security publicationscentral-african-republic military-cooperation-in-the-car
Digitalization and Performance of Public Administrations in Cameroon
Digitalization and Performance of Public Administrations in CameroonNovember 9, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG and Pierre Yvan Belinga Meka, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsdigitalization-of-public-administrations-in-cameroon performance-of-public-administrations-in-cameroon
Fight Against Corruption in Cameroon
Assessing the Challenges of the Fight Against Corruption in CameroonNovember 8, 2022Ordy BETGA MBOFUNG (PhD), governance-democracy-initiative publicationsfight-against-corruption-in-cameroon
African Union
African Union Reform in the Face of Military Coups in AfricaOctober 31, 2022Dr. Delmas Tsafack and Taibe Tatiana Manuella, , peace-security publicationsafrican-union-reform military-coups-in-africa
2022 Atlas Africa Liberty Award_Nkafu Policy Institute
Nkafu Policy Institute Wins 2022 Africa Liberty AwardOctober 21, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, , , actions communiqueafrica-liberty-award atlas-network nkafu-policy-institute
Tax concept blocks word " TAX" on coin stack and calculator on wooden floor
The Local Development Tax in Cameroon: of What Use?October 13, 2022Prof. Ngo Tong Chantal, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationslocal-development tax-in-cameroon
Decentralization in Cameroon: Between Ethno-Regional Logics and National Interests
Decentralization in Cameroon: Between Ethno-Regional Logics and National InterestsOctober 13, 2022Prof. Ngo Tong Chantal, governance-democracy-initiative publicationsdecentralization-in-cameroon
Les Sources Invisibles (et indispensables) de l’Entreprenariat
Les Sources Invisibles (et indispensables) de l’EntreprenariatOctober 10, 2022Michael Matheson Miller, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsentreprenariat les-sources-invisibles
Le Gouvernement Limité et l’Etat de Droit
Le Gouvernement Limité et l’Etat de DroitOctober 10, 2022Prof. Samuel Gregg, governance-democracy-initiative publicationsetat-de-droit
Échecs salutaires – réflexions sur le National Entrepreneurs Day
Échecs Salutaires – Réflexions sur le National Entrepreneurs DayOctober 7, 2022Dylan Pahman, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsentrepreneurs-day reflexions-sur-le-national
Cameroon and Russia
The Military Agreement of April 2022 Between Cameroon and Russia: What is the Impact on Relations Between Cameroon and its Western Partners?September 30, 2022Dr. Delmas Tsafack and Tazoacha Francis, , , peace-security publicationscameroon-and-russia military-agreement western-partners
Public Independent Conciliator in the Process of Decentralization in Cameroon
The Public Independent Conciliator in the Process of Decentralization in CameroonSeptember 9, 2022Prof. Ngo Tong Chantal, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsdecentralization-in-cameroon public-independent-conciliator
Civil Society Organisations as a Driving Force In Peace Negotiations In North West and South West Regions of Cameroon
Civil Society Organisations as a Driving Force In Peace Negotiations In North West and South West Regions of CameroonSeptember 5, 2022Tazoacha Francis and Melanie Kwassini, peace-security publications
Business Support in Sub-Saharan Africa
Determinants of the Quality of Business Support in Sub-Saharan AfricaAugust 30, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, Dr. Simplice A. Asongu, Bin Meh, Prof. Robert Nantchouang, Fri Asanga and Dr. Denis Foretia, , economics-affairs publications social-entrepreneurship-policy-briefbusiness-support-in-sub-saharan-africa
Overcoming the Financial Challenges of Business Support Organizations in sub-Saharan African Countries
Overcoming the Financial Challenges of Business Support Organizations in sub-Saharan African CountriesAugust 29, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, Dr. Simplice A. Asongu, Bin Meh, Prof. Robert Nantchouang, Fri Asanga and Dr. Denis Foretia, , , , , economics-affairs publications social-entrepreneurship-policy-briefbusiness-support-organizations-in-sub-saharan-africa financial-challenges social-entrepreneurship sustainable-development-goals-in-africa
Russia's Disconnection from the Swift Network
Russia’s Disconnection from the Swift Network and its Consequences for Global Financial StabilityAugust 18, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationsglobal-financial-stability swift-network
Lifting of Presidential Term Limits and Risk of Instability in the Central African Republic
Lifting of Presidential Term Limits and Risk of Instability in the Central African RepublicAugust 12, 2022Dr. Delmas Tsafack and Dr Steve TAMETONG, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscentral-african-republic lifting-presidential-term-limits-in-africa
Visit of Emmanuel Macron in Cameroon
Cameroon Welcomes Emmanuel Macron: A Visit Amid Multidimensional ChallengesAugust 12, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG, Tazoacha Francis and Dr. Delmas Tsafack, , , governance-democracy-initiative publicationspress-conference visit-of-emmanuel-macron-in-africa visit-of-emmanuel-macron-in-cameroon
women in tech in Africa
Promoting Gender Equality in Tech to Boost Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Sub-Saharan AfricaAugust 12, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , , , economics-affairs publications social-entrepreneurship-policy-briefinnovation-in-sub-saharan-africa promoting-gender-equality-in-tech social-entrepreneurship
Medical acts in Cameroon
Pricing of Medical Acts In Cameroon: Remarks on a Prejudicial CacophonyAugust 11, 2022Nicaise Flore DONGMO, , , education-health-policy public-health-topics private-health-insurance publicationsmedical-acts-in-cameroon
Macron’s Visit to cameroon
Macron’s Visit to Africa: Economic Implications for Cameroon and FranceJuly 28, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationsmacrons-visit-to-africa macrons-visit-to-cameroon
Social entrepreneurship
Solutions to Grow Social Entrepreneurship For Sustainable DevelopmentJuly 26, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, actions social-entrepreneurshipsocial-entrepreneurship-for-sustainable-development
Public Health Champion Awards
Public Health Champion AwardsJuly 19, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, , actions call-for-applicatiom competitionpublic-health-champion-awards
Exiting French Empress In Africa-Subsaharan
Exiting French Hegemony In Sub-Saharan Africa: The Strategy of “Brachiation”July 13, 2022Dr. Aristide Mono, governance-democracy-initiative publicationsfrench-hegemony-in-sub-saharan-africa
Teodoro Nguema Obiang Case
Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue and the Case of “Mistaken Property”: What Scope For Governance In Africa?July 13, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsbien-mal-acquis teodoro-nguema-obiang
gender-based violence
Gender-Based Violence: Beyond the Crises in Cameroon and Effects on Mental Well-BeingJuly 12, 2022Tazoacha Francis, Claudia Masa and Dr. Odette KIBU, , , education-health-policy publicationscameroon gender-based-violence mental-well-being
Understanding Obstacles to Trade and Estimating Informal Cross Border Trade Between Cameroon and Nigeria -
Understanding Obstacles to Trade and Estimating Informal Cross Border Trade Between CameroonJuly 6, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, , , noti-report publications reportseconomic-development-in-cameroon trade-between-cameroon-and-nigeria
Russian-Ukrainian Conflict on African Economies
Transmission Mechanisms of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict on African EconomiesJune 27, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam and Bin Meh, , economics-affairs publicationsafrican-economies russian-ukrainian-conflict
Call for Abstract - Nkafu Africa Health Forum
Call for Abstract – Nkafu Africa Health ForumJune 15, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, , call-for-applicatiomdigitalizing-health-care-systems-in-africa nkafu-africa-health-forum optimizing-healthcare-delivery-in-africa
Determinants of Infrastructural Development In Cameroon
Determinants of Infrastructural Development In CameroonJune 13, 2022Bin Meh, economics-affairs publicationsinfrastructural-development-in-cameroon
The Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs) And The Sustainable Development Goals (Sdgs) In Cameroon
The MDGs and SDGs In Cameroon: Actors, Evaluation and PerspectivesJune 2, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG and Vanessa Aboudi, , , economics-affairs publicationscameroon millennium-development-goals sustainable-development-goals
The Problem of “Backpack Nurses” In Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Cameroon
The Problem of “Backpack Nurses” In Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of CameroonJune 2, 2022Nicaise Flore DONGMO, education-health-policy publicationscameroonian-health-system
Call For Applications – Public Policy Course (2022)
Call For Applications – Public Policy Course (2022)May 31, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, , , call-for-applicatiomfiscal-accountability free-enterprise government-transparency public-policy-course
On the Resurgence of Military Coups d’états in Africa
On the Resurgence of Military Coups d’états in AfricaMay 19, 2022Tazoacha Francis, peace-security publicationsmilitary-coups-in-africa-over-the-decades
The Practice of Christian Faith Healing: Does it Have a Place in the Cameroonian Health Care System?
The Practice of Christian Faith Healing: Does it Have a Place in the Cameroonian Health Care System?May 17, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, , education-health-policy publicationscameroon-health-care-system practice-of-christian-faith-healing
Challenges business women face in accessing finances for Economic Growth in Cameroon
Challenges Business Women Face In Accessing FinancesMay 16, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, , , , documentaryaccess-to-finances-in-cameroon business-women economic-growth-in-cameroon womens-economic-rights-in-cameroon womens-entrepreneurship
WERC 5th Panel Discussion, April 2022
Women x-ray Challenges in Ascending to Leadership positionsMay 12, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions women-economic-right-in-cameroonwerc women-economic-rights-in-cameroon
Unique Identification Number Cameroon
The Generalization of the Unique Identification Number (UIN): Issues and Risks in Cameroon TaxationMay 10, 2022Dr. Theophile Nguimfack Voufo, , peace-security publicationscameroon-taxation unique-identification-number-uin
Infrastructure Development In Cameroon
Infrastructure Development Policy and Sustainable, Inclusive Growth In CameroonMay 9, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, economics-affairs publicationsinfrastructure-development-in-cameroon
Innovative Start-Ups In Cameroon
Innovative Start-Up In Cameroon: From A Tax Incentive RegimeMay 9, 2022Dr. Theophile Nguimfack Voufo, , economics-affairs publicationsinnovative-start-ups-in-cameroon tax-incentive-regime
ALPHA CONDÉ: THE ENDMay 5, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG and Tazoacha Francis, governance-democracy-initiative publicationsalpha-conde
The Accra Initiative and the fight against terrorism in west Africa
The Accra Initiative and the Fight Against Terrorism In West AfricaMay 4, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG and Marlyse Noussi, , peace-security publicationsterrorism-in-west-africa the-accra-initiative
Ending the Anglophone Crisis brings Economic Development – WERC
Ending the Anglophone Crisis brings Economic Development – WERCApril 28, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions women-economic-right-in-cameroonending-the-anglophone-crisis women-economic-rights-in-cameroon
Emerging from Military Coups in Africa: The Political Situation in Sudan
Emerging from Military Coups in Africa: The Political Situation in SudanApril 26, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG and Guy Beaudry JENGU JENGU, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsmilitary-coups-in-africa political-situation-in-sudan
Are Sanctions an Effective Remedy for Guinea’s Recent Coup?
Are Sanctions an Effective Remedy for Guinea’s Recent Coup?April 25, 2022Henri KOUAM, Dr Steve TAMETONG and Tazoacha Francis, , peace-security publicationseconomic-community-of-west-african-states guineas-recent-coup
How Will The AfCFTA Impact Cameroon’s Agricultural Sector ?
How Will The AfCFTA Impact Cameroon’s Agricultural Sector ?April 14, 2022Henri KOUAM, Mr. Bin Joachem and Ayuk Ntui Mary-Sandra, , , noti-policy-brief publicationsafcfta african-continental-free-trade-area cameroons-agricultural-sector
Recommendations on Social Entrepreneurship
Key findings, Recommendations on Social EntrepreneurshipApril 8, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions social-entrepreneurshipsocial-entrepreneurship-in-africa social-entrepreneurship-in-cameroon
Operational Working Group on Gender Policy Advocacy in Cameroon
Operational Working Group on Gender Policy Advocacy in CameroonApril 2, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, , , actions reportage women-economic-right-in-cameroongender-policy-advocacy womens-economic-rights-in-cameroon
Assessing Cameroon -Nigeria Free Trade: Prospects for Economic Growth
Assessing Cameroon -Nigeria Free Trade: Prospects for Economic GrowthMarch 30, 2022Nkafu Policy Institute, , noti-policy-brief publications reportscameroon-nigeria-free-trade
African’s Migration and UN Multilateralism
African’s Migration and UN MultilateralismMarch 22, 2022Dr Steve TAMETONG and Pierre Oyono Mvogo, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsafricans-migration united-nations
Data diplomacy: Examining data’s Impact as a tool for diplomatic activities
Data diplomacy: Examining data’s Impact as a tool for diplomatic activitiesMarch 14, 2022Keira Ndoumbe, , , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsbig-data data-diplomacy public-diplomacy
Replay - Sanctions enacted by African Regional Organisations
Replay – Sanctions enacted by African Regional OrganisationsMarch 11, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthonvideosafrican-regional-organisations
Cameroon free trade forum - Policy Recommendations
Cameroon’s 2022 Free Trade Forum Ends with Relevant PolicyMarch 3, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, nkafu-open-trade-initiativecameroons-2022-free-trade-forum policy-recommendations
Experts Xray Cameroon’s Bilateral and Multilateral Trade
Experts Xray Cameroon’s Bilateral and Multilateral TradeMarch 3, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, nkafu-open-trade-initiative2022-cameroon-free-trade-forum cameroons-bilateral-and-multilateral-trade
Monetary Policy Can Improve Access to Credit For Women In Cameroon
Monetary Policy Can Improve Access to Credit For Women In CameroonFebruary 21, 2022Henri KOUAM, , economics-affairs publicationsaccess-to-credit-for-women-in-cameroon monetary-policy
winners of the 2021 Free Trade Essay Competition
Winners of the 2021 Free Trade Essay CompetitionFebruary 16, 2022Nkafu Policy Institutenkafu-open-trade-initiative
Replay - The Effectiveness of the “African Solutions to African Problems” in Silencing the Guns in Africa
Replay – The African Solutions in Silencing the Guns in AfricaFebruary 9, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthonvideossilencing-the-guns-in-africa
Experts Reiterate Calls For Mediated Efforts To Resolve Crisis
Experts Reiterate Calls For Mediated Efforts To Resolve CrisisFebruary 4, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthonactionscrisis-in-english-speaking-regions
Engaging Women in STEM Vital for Cameroon’s 2030...
Engaging Women in STEM Vital for Cameroon’s 2030…February 4, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, actions women-economic-right-in-cameroonwomen-in-stem
Current Challenges of the CEMAC - France Monetary Cooperation Agreement of Nov
Current Challenges of the CEMAC – France Monetary Cooperation Agreement of NovFebruary 1, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , economics-affairs publicationscemac france-monetary-cooperation-agreement
Exchange Rate Policy Cameroon Nigeria
Exchange Rate Policy Reform to Boost Trade Between Cameroon and NigeriaJanuary 26, 2022Henri KOUAM and Fabien SUNDJO, , , economics-affairs noti-policy-brief publicationscameroon-nigeria-trade exchange-rate
Increasing the Impact of Business Support Structures in Sub-Saharan Africa
Increasing the Impact of Business Support Structures in Sub-Saharan AfricaJanuary 26, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, , , economics-affairs publications social-entrepreneurship-policy-briefimpact-of-business-support-structures sub-saharan-africa
Operational Working Group 3 - Nkafu Open Trade Initiative
Operational Working Group 3 – Nkafu Open Trade InitiativeJanuary 25, 2022TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions announcement nkafu-open-trade-initiativecameroon-nigeria-trade
Cameroon’s Specialization in the Export of Primary Products: Strategic Stake …January 18, 2022Dr. Vera Kum and Ayuk Ntui Mary-Sandra, economics-affairs publicationsthe-importance-of-agriculture-to-the-cameroonian-economy
Evolution of Economic and Trade Relations Between Cameroon and France
Evolution of Economic and Trade Relations Between Cameroon and FranceJanuary 17, 2022Henri KOUAM, economics-affairs publicationscameroon-france-trade
African-France Summit
The African-France Summit and an Overview of its Recommendations Since 1973January 14, 2022Fabien SUNDJO, governance-democracy-initiative publicationsafrican-france-summit
Trade Liberalization and Economic Development: Lessons for Africa
Trade Liberalization and Economic Development: Lessons for AfricaJanuary 14, 2022Henri KOUAM and Fabien SUNDJO, , , noti-policy-brief publicationsafrican-continental-free-trade-area economic-development trade-liberalization
Analysis of Cameroon – Nigeria Trade
Analysis of Cameroon – Nigeria Trade and Prospects for the African Continental Free Trade AreaJanuary 13, 2022Henri KOUAM, Mr. Bin Joachem and Dr. Vera Kum, , noti-policy-brief publicationsafrican-continental-free-trade-area cameroon-nigeria-trade
The Impact of Taxation on Business Development in Cameroon
The Impact of Taxation on Business Development in CameroonJanuary 12, 2022Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam and Dr. Herve Wouapi, , economics-affairs publicationsbusiness-development-in-cameroon taxation-in-cameroon
The Reform Of Income Tax Declaration in Cameroon
The Reform of Income Tax Declaration and Payment Procedures In CameroonJanuary 11, 2022Dr. Vera Kum and Marlyse Noussi, , , economics-affairs publicationspayment-procedures-in-cameroon reform-of-income-tax-declaration tax-declaration-in-cameroon
Manufacturing industry
Free Trade as a Catalyst to the Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies in Cameroon’s Manufacturing SectorDecember 16, 2021Henri KOUAM, , , economics-affairs noti-policy-brief publicationscameroons-manufacturing-sector free-trade
Sustainable Development free trade in africa
Free Trade as an Anchor for Sustainable DevelopmentDecember 16, 2021Fabien SUNDJO and Dr. Sunjo Tata, , , , economics-affairs noti-policy-brief publicationsfree-trade sustainable-development sustainable-trade
zuma - Governance in South Africa
Zuma Goes to Jail: Implications for Rule of Law, Democracy, and Governance in South AfricaDecember 14, 2021Peter SAKWE MASUMBE, (PhD), governance-democracy-initiative publicationsgovernance-in-south-africa
Colonel Assimi Goita
Mali and the Challenges of Democratic Rule: Implications for Continental DemocracyDecember 14, 2021Peter SAKWE MASUMBE, (PhD), , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscolonel-assimi-goita democracy-in-mali
Higher Education and Social Innovation Ecosystem in Ghana - InnoHub
Higher Education and Social Innovation Ecosystem in Ghana – InnoHubDecember 14, 2021InnoHub Ghana, , , publications social-entrepreneurship-policy-briefhigher-education-in-ghana innohub-ghana social-innovation-ecosystem
Rethinking Fiscal Policy to Overcome the Debt Problem in Cameroon
Rethinking Fiscal Policy to Overcome the Debt Problem in CameroonDecember 10, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , lettre-de-politique-fiscalecameroons-fiscal-policy debt-problem-in-cameroon fiscal-policy
State of Statelessness: Anglophone Cameroonians Born in Refugee Camps
State of Statelessness: Anglophone Cameroonians Born in Refugee CampsDecember 9, 2021Tazoacha Francis and Noella Nguyam, peace-security publicationsrefugee-camps-in-nigeria
A Return to Constitutional Order and Democratic Governance in Chad: Is the African Union Not Crawling?
A Return to Constitutional Order and Democratic Governance in Chad: Is the African Union Not Crawling?December 9, 2021Tazoacha Francis, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsafrican-union democratic-governance-in-chad
AfCFTA is Essential to Boost Access to Credit – Experts say at 3rd NOTI
AfCFTA is Essential to Boost Access to Credit – Experts say at 3rd NOTIDecember 9, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , , actions nkafu-open-trade-initiativeafcfta african-continental-free-trade-area nkafu-open-trade-initiative
2021 Cameroon Budget Report: Findings and Recommendations
2021 Cameroon Budget Report: Findings and RecommendationsDecember 7, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, actions reportage2021-cameroon-budget-report
Declaration and Payment of Taxes in Cameroon
DBI 4 || Declaration and Payment of Taxes in CameroonDecember 3, 2021Nkafu Policy Institutedocumentarydeclaration-and-payment-of-taxes-in-cameroon
DBI 3 - Obtaining credit in Cameroon
DBI 3 || Obtaining credit in Cameroon: Problems and ProspectsDecember 3, 2021Nkafu Policy Institutedocumentaryobtaining-credit-in-cameroon
Report on the 2021 Budget of Cameroon: An Analysis of the Sustainability of the Public DebtNovember 22, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , publications reports2021-budget-of-the-state-of-cameroon sustainability-of-the-public-debt
Essay Competition on Free Trade - NOTI
Essay Competition on Free Trade – NOTINovember 4, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, call-for-applicatiomafrican-continental-free-trade-area free-trade
Examining the Difficulties Encountered by Women in Obtaining Credit in Cameroon
Examining the Difficulties Encountered by Women in Obtaining Credit in CameroonOctober 21, 2021Ulrich KAMDEM and Dr. Jean Cedric Kouampublicationsobtaining-credit-in-cameroon
Cameroon Tax Policy
Interrogating the Inclusiveness of the Cameroon Tax PolicyOctober 21, 2021Fabien SUNDJOpublicationscameroon-tax-policy
Ease of Paying Taxes In Cameroon
Ease of Paying Taxes In CameroonOctober 21, 2021Henri KOUAMpublicationspaying-taxes-in-cameroon
Renaissance for U.S. Diplomacy in Africa
The Biden Presidency Could be a Renaissance for U.S. Diplomacy in AfricaOctober 8, 2021Henri KOUAM, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsbiden-presidency u-s-diplomacy-in-africa
Formalization of the Informal Economy in Cameroon
Perspectives on the Formalization of the Informal Economy in CameroonOctober 8, 2021Dr. Joel M Moudio, economics-affairs publicationsinformal-economy-in-cameroon
Media Reactions to Foretia Foundation CEO Appointment
Media Reactions to Foretia Foundation CEO AppointmentOctober 5, 2021Nkafu Policy Instituteactionsforetia-foundation-ceo-appointment
CEO Announcement-lin 1
Fri Asanga Appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Foretia FoundationSeptember 29, 2021Nkafu Policy Instituteactions
Chad: Institute calls on AU to be Proactive on issues of Peace, Security
Chad: Institute calls on AU to be Proactive on issues of Peace, SecuritySeptember 22, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, actions announcement
cameroon diaspora investors
Diaspora Investors and Access to Bank Credit in Cameroon: Constraints and OpportunitiesSeptember 20, 2021Dr. Joel M Moudio, , economics-affairs publicationsaccess-to-bank-credit-in-cameroon diaspora-investors
Optimizing the Governance and Performance of Public Enterprises In Cameroon
Optimizing the Governance and Performance of Public Enterprises In CameroonSeptember 17, 2021Dr Steve TAMETONG, governance-democracy-initiative publicationsperformance-of-public-enterprises-in-cameroon
Urban Governance in Cameroon: Between Laissez-Faire And Faire-Laisser
Urban Governance in Cameroon: Between Laissez-Faire And Faire-LaisserSeptember 17, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, publicationsenvironmental-risks urban-governance-in-cameroon
Without a Birth Certificate, We Do Not Exist! (Re)Thinking the Civil Status System in Cameroon
Without a Birth Certificate, We Do Not Exist! (Re)Thinking the Civil Status System in CameroonSeptember 17, 2021Pierre-Claver KAMGAING, publicationsbirth-certificate civil-status-system-in-cameroon
Short Vidéo || Cameroon & Nigeria Trade Serie 1 - NOTI
Short Vidéo || Cameroon & Nigeria Trade Serie 1 – NOTISeptember 13, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , documentary nkafu-open-trade-initiativecameroon-nigeria-trade short-video-cameroon-nigeria-trade-serie-1
health policy
Health Research Grant Initiative 2021September 7, 2021Nkafu Policy Institutecall-for-applicatiomhealth-research-grant
Video: NOTI Quarterly Panel Discussion 2 - CRTV Report
Video: NOTI Quarterly Panel Discussion 2 – CRTV ReportSeptember 7, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthonnkafu-open-trade-initiative
Restitution Workshop to Present Research Findings - Nkafu
Restitution Workshop to Present Research Findings – NkafuSeptember 2, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , , actions reportage social-entrepreneurshipsocial-entrepreneurship sustainable-development
Digitalization is Inevitable – Experts Say at Fourth Nkafu Debates
Digitalization is Inevitable – Experts Say at Fourth Nkafu DebatesSeptember 2, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , actions reportagedigitalization-is-inevitable nkafu-debates
Ceasefire Between Israel And Hamas: Is There Hope For Sustainable Peace?
Ceasefire Between Israel And Hamas: Is There Hope For Sustainable Peace?August 30, 2021Tazoacha Francis and Dr Steve TAMETONG, , , peace-security publicationsceasefire-between-israel-and-hamas hope-for-sustainable-peace israeli-palestinian-conflict
Benefits of free Trade between Cameroon and NigeriaAugust 26, 2021Nkafu Policy Institutenkafu-open-trade-initiativefree-trade-between-cameroon-and-nigeria
Cameroon is not taking enough advantages of Cameroon-Nigeria trade
Cameroon is not taking enough advantages of Cameroon-Nigeria tradeAugust 23, 2021Nkafu Policy Institutenkafu-open-trade-initiativetrade-agreement-between-cameroon-and-nigeria
Nkafu calls on AU to be proactive on peace, security in Africa
Nkafu calls on AU to be proactive on peace, security in AfricaAugust 13, 2021Nkafu Policy Instituteactionspeace-security-in-africa
Social Entrepreneurship Project - Mission in Burkina Faso
Social Entrepreneurship Project – Mission in Burkina FasoAugust 10, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , social-entrepreneurshipburkina-faso cameroon social-entrepreneurship-project
Unconstitutional Populism: A Peril to Democracy In Sub-Saharan Africa?
Unconstitutional Populism: A Peril to Democracy In Sub-Saharan Africa?August 10, 2021Dr. Joel M Moudio, publicationsdemocracy-in-sub-saharan-africa unconstitutional-populism
Podcast – Cameroon’s recent IMF loan and Implications for Economic DevelopmentAugust 9, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, noti-podcasteconomic-development imf
Podcast – Leveraging Agriculture to Boost Economic DevelopmentAugust 9, 2021Nkafu Policy Institutenoti-podcast
The Resurgence of Covid19 and its Impact on the Economies of CEMAC Countries
The Resurgence of Covid19 and its Impact on the Economies of CEMAC CountriesAugust 6, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, publicationscemac-countries covid19-and-its-impact-on-the-economies
Evaluation of Mechanisms to Combat Gender-Based Violence In the Far North Region of Cameroon
Evaluation of Mechanisms to Combat Gender-Based Violence In the Far North Region of CameroonAugust 6, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, publicationsfar-north-region-of-cameroon gender-based-violence
Youth Participation In the Local Development Plan In Yaoundé 4: Issues and Roles
Youth Participation In the Local Development Plan In Yaoundé 4: Issues and RolesAugust 6, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , publicationscameroun yaounde youth-participation-in-the-local-development
Youth and National Integration in Cameroon: An Analysis Based on Associative Movements
Youth and National Integration in Cameroon: An Analysis Based on Associative MovementsAugust 6, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, publicationsassociative-movements youth-and-national-integration-in-cameroon
E-Democracy In Africa: Issues, Challenges and Perspectives
E-Democracy In Africa: Issues, Challenges and PerspectivesAugust 6, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , governance-democracy-initiativechallenges-and-perspectives e-democracy-in-africa issues
Improving Cameroon’s Doing Business Index
Improving Cameroon’s Doing Business Index – Nkafu DebatesJuly 27, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , actions reportagecameroons-doing-business-index nkafu-debates
Testing the Financial Decentralization of Local Governments Against the Principle of a Unified Treasury In CameroonJuly 26, 2021Dr Steve TAMETONG and Dr. Theophile Nguimfack Voufo, , , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsdecentralization-in-cameroon financial-decentralization-of-local-governments principle-of-cash-flow-in-cameroon
Cameroon, A Police State
Is Cameroon a Police State? All About the Use of Administrative CustodyJuly 26, 2021Dr Steve TAMETONG and Pierre-Claver KAMGAING, , , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsa-police-state administrative-custody cameroon
The National FDI Observatories, a Bulwark Against the Imbalance Effects of Chinese FDI In Africa?
The National FDI Observatories, a Bulwark Against the Imbalance Effects of Chinese FDI In Africa?July 26, 2021Dr Steve TAMETONG and Dr. Joel M Moudio, , , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsafrican-business chinese-fdi foreign-direct-investment-fdi
Is Somaliland the Symbol of Democracy in the Horn of Africa?
Is Somaliland the Symbol of Democracy in the Horn of Africa?July 21, 2021Tazoacha Francis, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationsdemocracy-in-africa somaliland
Legal Framework And Constraints credit in Cameroon
A Look at the Legal Framework and Constraints of Credit Granting In CameroonJuly 16, 2021Dr Steve TAMETONG, , economics-affairs publicationsconstraints-of-credit-granting-in-cameroon legal-framework-of-credit-granting-in-cameroon
information asymmetric
Information Asymmetry: A Major Obstacle to Credit Provision In CameroonJuly 16, 2021Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam and Maurice TCHEGHO, , , economics-affairs publicationsinformation-asymmetry obstacle-to-credit-provision-in-cameroon obtaining-credit-in-cameroon
Replay - A Conversation With H.E. Richard Bale - Video
Replay – A Conversation With H.E. Richard Bale – VideoJuly 12, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , , actions videoscanada-cameroon-relations canadian-high-commissioner-to-cameroon h-e-richard-bale
Call For Papers (CFP 4): Africa’s Governance Performance
Call For Papers (CFP 4): Africa’s Governance PerformanceJuly 12, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , , actions appel-a-candidature call-for-applicatiomafricas-governance-performance gender-equality
Improving Financial Inclusion to Broaden the Tax Base In Cameroon
Improving Financial Inclusion to Broaden the Tax Base In CameroonJuly 9, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , lettre-de-politique-fiscale publications reportstax-base-in-cameroon
Facilitating the Process of Construction Permit, Crucial for Cameroon
Facilitating the Process of Construction Permit, Crucial for CameroonJuly 2, 2021Nkafu Policy Instituteactionsconstruction-permit
The African Continental Free Trade Area: Benefits and Challenges. Nkafu Debates
The African Continental Free Trade Area: Benefits and Challenges. Nkafu DebatesJuly 2, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , , nkafu-open-trade-initiativeafcfta nkafu-open-trade-initiative noti the-african-continental-free-trade-area
NOTI: Afcfta Is An Opportunity For African Countries To Integrate
NOTI: Afcfta Is An Opportunity For African Countries To IntegrateJuly 2, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , actions nkafu-open-trade-initiativenkafu-open-trade-initiative the-african-continental-free-trade-area
AfCFTA Is Vital For Economic Growth, Job Creation
AfCFTA Is Vital For Economic Growth, Job CreationJune 8, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthonactionsafcfta
Africa’s Road to Recovery A Conversation with Gwendoline Abunaw
Replay – A Conversation with Gwendoline AbunawJune 7, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, actions videosa-conversation-with-gwendoline-abunaw
Declaration and payment of Taxes in Cameroon DBI Report
The Declaration and Payment of Taxes in Cameroon: A Critical AppraisalMay 27, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, Dinga Tambi, Ulrich KAMDEM and Louis Marie KAKDEU, , publications reportspayment-of-taxes-in-cameroon the-declaration-of-taxes-in-cameroon
Should We Consider a Post-Covid-19 Reform of the VAT In Cameroon?
Should We Consider a Post-Covid-19 Reform of the VAT In Cameroon?May 25, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , lettre-de-politique-fiscale publicationspost-covid-19 reform-of-the-vat-in-cameroon
MONETARY POLICY report oil price
An Analysis of the Effects of Oil Price Fluctuations on the Conduct of Monetary Policy in the EconomicMay 10, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , , monetary-policy-report publicationseconomic-and-monetary-community-of-central-africa effects-of-oil-price-fluctuations monetary-policy-reports
Regulation Framework As Catalyst for Business Growth in Cameroon
Regulation Framework As Catalyst for Business Growth in CameroonMay 6, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions announcementbusiness-growth-in-cameroon regulation-framework
Women Play A Vital Role In Peacebuilding In Cameroon
Women Play A Vital Role In Peacebuilding In CameroonMay 6, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions announcementanglophone-crisis peacebuilding-in-cameroon
State-Centric Approach to Resolving the Anglophone Conflict in Cameroon
State-Centric Approach to Resolving the Anglophone Conflict in CameroonMay 3, 2021Tazoacha Francis, , peace-security publicationsanglophone-conflict-in-cameroon state-centric-approach
Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Replay – Defending Democracy and Freedom in Sub-Saharan AfricaApril 30, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions videosdemocracy-in-sub-saharan-africa freedom-in-sub-saharan-africa
Barriers to Formalization of Businesses In Cameroon: High Tax Rates
Barriers to Formalization of Businesses In Cameroon: High Tax RatesApril 28, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , , lettre-de-politique-fiscale monetary-policy-report publicationsbusinesses-in-cameroon high-tax-rates
Replay - Preparing for the Next Pandemic
Replay – Preparing for the Next Pandemic – Lessons from COVID-19 for AfricaApril 20, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, actions videospreparing-for-the-next-pandemic
Video - Obtaining Building Permit in Cameroon
Video – Obtaining Building Permit in CameroonApril 19, 2021Nkafu Policy Institutedocumentarybuilding-permit-in-cameroon
Covid-19 Vaccine Research
Double Standards Redux: The Ethics of Future Covid-19 Vaccine ResearchApril 14, 2021Godfrey Tangwa, , , , , covid19 education-health-policy public-health-topics publicationscovid-19-pandemic covid-19-vaccine-research traditional-medical-research-ethics
India- European Union (EU)
Meeting the Next Moment, Together: EU-India Economic Diplomacy in a ‘Multipolar’ AsiaApril 14, 2021Pooran Pandey Chandra, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationseu-india-economic-diplomacy india
Nkafu Trains 26 Youths In Public Policy Analysis Course
Nkafu Trains 26 Youths In Public Policy Analysis CourseApril 7, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthonactionspublic-policy-analysis-course
Construction Permits In Cameroon
Is Obtaining Construction Permits In Cameroon Business Friendly to Foreigners?March 30, 2021EGOH MODI AZIZ, economics-affairs publicationsconstruction-permits-in-cameroon
Nkafu Institute Trains Young Cameroonians On Free Enterprise
Nkafu Institute Trains Young Cameroonians On Free EnterpriseMarch 30, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, , , actions reportagefiscal-accountability free-enterprise government-transparency
The Concept of Africapitalism and the Role of the Private Sector In Africa’s Socio-Economic DevelopmentMarch 25, 2021Dinga Tambi, , economics-affairs publicationsafricas-socio-economic-development the-concept-of-africapitalism
Market Research: A Key Determinant of Success For SME Start-Ups In Cameroon
Market Research: A Key Determinant of Success For SME Start-Ups In CameroonMarch 25, 2021Dinga Tambi, , economics-affairs publicationsmarket-research start-ups-in-cameroon
Crédibilité De La Politique Monétaire De La BEAC à l’Épreuve De La Covid-19
La Crédibilité De La Politique Monétaire De La BEAC à l’Épreuve De La Covid-19March 10, 2021Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, economics-affairscovid-19 politique-monetaire-de-la-beac
Cameroon: Almost 97% of Household Have Problems In Food Crop Production
Cameroon: Almost 97% of Household Have Problems In Food Crop ProductionMarch 9, 2021Fabien SUNDJO, publicationsfood-crop-production sustainable-development-goals
Covid-19 Et Transition Démographique En Afrique Subsaharienne
Covid-19 et Transition Démographique en Afrique Subsaharienne : Enjeux et PerspectivesMarch 9, 2021Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, publicationscovid-19 demographique-en-afrique-subsaharienne
The Promise of Digital Health In Africa
The Promise of Digital Health In AfricaMarch 8, 2021Dr. Odette KIBU, education-health-policy publicationsdigital-health-in-africa
Assessing the Mechanism of the Issuance of Construction Permits In Cameroon
Assessing the Mechanism of the Issuance of Construction Permits In CameroonMarch 8, 2021Dr. Jean Cedric Kouam, economics-affairs publicationsconstruction-permits-in-cameroon
Obtaining Construction Permits In Cameroon: Dealing With the Law
Obtaining Construction Permits In Cameroon: Dealing With the LawMarch 8, 2021Dinga Tambi, economics-affairs publicationsconstruction-permits-in-cameroon
Impact of COVID-19 on the Continuum of care
Impact of Covid-19 on the Continuum of CareMarch 8, 2021Wilfred NGWA, , , , covid19 education-health-policy publicationscameroon impact-of-covid-19 south-west-region
Replay - The Conflict in Ethiopia- Where do we go from here?
Replay – The Conflict in Ethiopia- Where do we go from here?March 3, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions videosconflict-in-ethiopia tigray-independence
Overcoming the Challenge of Fiscal Transition In Cameroon
Overcoming the Challenge of Fiscal Transition In CameroonFebruary 23, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , lettre-de-politique-fiscale reports publicationsfiscal-policy-letter fiscal-transition-in-cameroon
nkafu panel - Us-Africa relation in the administration biden
Replay – US-Africa Relations in the Biden AdministrationFebruary 12, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, videosbiden-administration us-africa-relations
Call For Panelists For The Nkafu Public Debates
Call For Panelists For The Nkafu Public DebatesFebruary 10, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, call-for-debaters communiquenkafu-public-debates
nkafu panel - Us-Africa relation in the administration biden
US. Needs a Real Robust Partnership with Africa – Experts SayFebruary 9, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions reportagebiden-administration partnership-with-africa
Cameroon Needs a Holistic Solution For The Crisis – Experts Say At Nkafu Public DialogueFebruary 4, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, , , actions reportageanglophone-crisis cameroon public-dialogue
Reportage Équinoxe TV | Presentation Du Rapport Sur Le Budget 2020 Au Cameroun
Reportage Équinoxe TV | Presentation Du Rapport Sur Le Budget 2020 Au CamerounJanuary 21, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, , actions reportagebudget-2020-au-cameroun conference-de-presse
Replay – COVID-19 and Africa || Conversation with Dr. Bernard KADIOJanuary 21, 2021TALLA Belder Carynthon, videoscovid-19-and-africa dr-bernard-kadio
Building and Strengthening Public Trust In Government Policy Decisions and Institutions to Effectively Tackle Covid-19 In Cameroon
Building and Strengthening Public Trust In Government Policy Decisions and Institutions to Effectively Tackle Covid-19 In CameroonJanuary 20, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscovid-19-in-cameroon government-policy
Low Covid-19 Cases In Africa. What Explains This?
Low Covid-19 Cases In Africa. What Explains This?January 20, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, education-health-policy publicationscovid-19-in-africa
The Proliferation of Informal Housing In Major Cities In Cameroon: Evidence, Drivers and the Way Forward
The Proliferation of Informal Housing In Major Cities In Cameroon: Evidence, Drivers and the Way ForwardJanuary 20, 2021Nkafu Policy Institute, , governance-democracy-initiative publicationscameroon informal-housing-in-major-cities