Capacity Building Workshop for Researchers in the ECCAS Region

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Capacity Building Workshop for Researchers in the ECCAS Region

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Venue  : Zoom Online (Register now)
Date : June 22, 2023
Time : 10:00 am – 01:00 pm

  1. Background

Independent think tanks and research centers around the world play a key role in shaping public policy. Their main mission is to produce in-depth studies and develop relevant proposals aimed at bringing about or creating a change in the definition and implementation of public policies. To assess the progress of think tanks around the world, the University of Pennsylvania publishes an annual “Go To Think Tank” report. According to the 2019 and 2020 Go To Think Tank reports, African think tanks are virtually absent from the list of top 50 think tanks. Those from the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) are completely absent from this ranking due to their limited capacity to produce quality, rigorous, policy-oriented research that is accessible to decision-makers, the media and the public. This situation requires concrete actions to strengthen the performance of ECCAS think tanks and improve their visibility in the world.  It is in this context, that the Nkafu Policy Institute, a think tank of the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation, is setting up an exchange platform for independent think tanks and research centers in Central Africa to share their experiences and capitalize on lessons learned in the area of research, with a view to becoming more visible and influential at the regional, continental and global levels. This exchange platform will take the form of online capacity building sessions for ECCAS think tanks.

  1. Objective

These capacity building workshops for researchers from think tanks and research centres across the ECCAS region aim at capitalizing on research opportunities in key areas such as; individual rights, governance and accountability and regional integration. Specifically, it will focus on:

  • Deepening general research knowledge;
  • Improving skills in policy proposal presentation and scientific writing;
  • Capitalizing on research communication skills and knowledge;
  • Optimizing the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of research projects.
  1. Target Audience

These capacity building sessions are planned for researchers from ECCAS think tanks and independent research centres, particularly women.

  1. Expected output

At the end of the different sessions, participants will have acquired additional in-depth skills to conduct independent and evidence-based research. The training will also enable them to strengthen collaborations with different stakeholders.

  1. Trainers

The training sessions will be facilitated by various experts from ECCAS think tanks.

  1. Logistic

The sessions will be held online in French and/or English. They will be live streamed on the social media platforms of the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation.

  1. Training timeline for the next six months
Modules Date
Research Design 22 June 2023
Successfully Implementing research projects 4 July 2023
Optimizing Research Project Monitoring 3 August 2023
Communicating Results of Research Projects 1 September 2023
Engaging Stakeholders 13 October 2023
Making Effective Advocacy 2 November 2023
Think Tanks Fundamentals December 2023
  1. Additional Information

Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation. Tel: (+237) 654 86 72 54

[email protected]

The event is finished.


Jun 22 2023


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Zoom Online
Nkafu Policy Institute


Nkafu Policy Institute
+237 654 86 72 54
[email protected]

Catalyzing Africa’s Economic Transformation


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